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Re: help on install

Ignatios Souvatzis wrote:

On Fri, Feb 20, 2004 at 01:24:44AM +0100, marco chrappan wrote:
I've finally got my netbsd 1.6.1 installed. After the first reboot (giving netbsd -s at the prompt) I get this error:

|panic: bus error
|Stopped in pid 0 (swapper) at 0x17f0d4:   rts

we'd need a few lines above that, and maybe a stack traceback.
For the latter, at the point above type
db> trace [Enter]

where db> is the prompt you're already seeing - you don't need to type that.
hello, a few lines above:

toccata0 at zbus0 pa 0xea0000 man/pro 18260/12trap type 0, code=a5, v=8cde000
pid = 0, pc = 001866F4, ps=2700, sfc=1, dfc=1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 dreg: 00000000 00000000 0033b114 00000002 00000007 002ebd94 00335d80 00181c16 areg: 002ebe44 002560c8 0033b100 08cde000 00254f20 0025e444 002ebd50 0dfffffc

kernel stack (002ebc5c):        ....
panic:  bus error ....
stopped in pid 0 (swapper) at 0x17f0d2: unlk a6

trace was too long to copy now.
thanks for your help.


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