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Re: RFC: base.tgz should install /boot.amiga

On Fri, Jan 10, 2003 at 10:11:11PM +0100, Ignatios Souvatzis wrote:
  | Hi,
  | On Thu, Jan 09, 2003 at 12:45:51PM +1100, Luke Mewburn wrote:
  | > This would only work if the first stage boot block doesn't contain
  | > a list of hard-coded disks blocks for "/boot" (or "/boot.amiga").
  | No, it uses filesystem reading code.
  | Please comment on the appended patch.

I'm not convinced that unconditionally overwriting "/boot" (or variants)
as part of extracting the `base' set is a good idea, especially if the
first and second stage bootblocks even have a situation where they
need to be installed in "sync".

(The only platforms that support this now are: atari (recent), mipsco
(inspired by pmax?), pmax, and vax.)

In any case, even if you do this, /usr/mdec/boot.amiga should be
retained (and not obsoleted).

  | Regards,
  |     -is
  | Index: distrib/amiga/miniroot/Makefile.inc
  | ===================================================================
  | RCS file: /cvsroot/src/distrib/amiga/miniroot/Makefile.inc,v
  | retrieving revision 1.12
  | diff -u -r1.12 Makefile.inc
  | --- distrib/amiga/miniroot/Makefile.inc     2002/05/29 04:11:01     1.12
  | +++ distrib/amiga/miniroot/Makefile.inc     2003/01/10 21:06:15
  | @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
  |  MAKEDEVTARGETS=    floppy
  |  IMAGEDEPENDS+=     ${ARCHDIR}/disktab.shadow ${ARCHDIR}/dot.profile \
  |             ${ARCHDIR}/install.md ${ARCHDIR}/termcap.vt \
  | -           ${DESTDIR}/usr/mdec/boot.amiga \
  | +           ${DESTDIR}/boot.amiga \
  |             ${KERNOBJDIR}/INSTALL/netbsd
  |  IMAGEPOSTBUILD=    dd if=${DESTDIR}/usr/mdec/bootxx_ffs of=${IMAGE} 
bs=8192 conv=notrunc
  | Index: distrib/amiga/miniroot/list
  | ===================================================================
  | RCS file: /cvsroot/src/distrib/amiga/miniroot/list,v
  | retrieving revision 1.17
  | diff -u -r1.17 list
  | --- distrib/amiga/miniroot/list     2002/07/23 03:52:02     1.17
  | +++ distrib/amiga/miniroot/list     2003/01/10 21:06:17
  | @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
  |  COPYDIR    ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/keymaps/amiga      usr/share/keymaps/amiga
  |  # boot loader
  | -COPY       ${DESTDIR}/usr/mdec/boot.amiga          boot.amiga
  | +COPY       ${DESTDIR}/boot.amiga           boot.amiga
  |  # install kernel
  |  COPY       ${KERNOBJDIR}/INSTALL/netbsd    netbsd
  | Index: distrib/sets/lists/base/md.amiga
  | ===================================================================
  | RCS file: /cvsroot/src/distrib/sets/lists/base/md.amiga,v
  | retrieving revision 1.49
  | diff -u -r1.49 md.amiga
  | --- distrib/sets/lists/base/md.amiga        2002/04/15 02:50:30     1.49
  | +++ distrib/sets/lists/base/md.amiga        2003/01/10 21:06:30
  | @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
  |  # $NetBSD: md.amiga,v 1.49 2002/04/15 02:50:30 mhitch Exp $
  | +./boot.amiga                               base-sysutil-root
  |  ./sbin/binpatch                            base-sysutil-root
  | -./usr/mdec/boot.amiga                      base-sysutil-bin
  |  ./usr/mdec/bootxx_fd                       base-sysutil-bin
  |  ./usr/mdec/bootxx_ffs                      base-sysutil-bin
  |  ./usr/mdec/installboot                     base-sysutil-bin
  | Index: distrib/sets/lists/base/obsolete.amiga
  | ===================================================================
  | RCS file: /cvsroot/src/distrib/sets/lists/base/obsolete.amiga,v
  | retrieving revision 1.4
  | diff -u -r1.4 obsolete.amiga
  | --- distrib/sets/lists/base/obsolete.amiga  2002/11/17 02:54:50     1.4
  | +++ distrib/sets/lists/base/obsolete.amiga  2003/01/10 21:06:30
  | @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
  |  # $NetBSD: obsolete.amiga,v 1.4 2002/11/17 02:54:50 lukem Exp $
  | +./usr/mdec/boot.amiga
  |  ./usr/mdec/fdboot
  |  ./usr/mdec/xxboot
  | Index: sys/arch/amiga/stand/bootblock/boot/Makefile
  | ===================================================================
  | RCS file: /cvsroot/src/sys/arch/amiga/stand/bootblock/boot/Makefile,v
  | retrieving revision 1.29
  | diff -u -r1.29 Makefile
  | --- sys/arch/amiga/stand/bootblock/boot/Makefile    2002/05/31 20:57:41     
  | +++ sys/arch/amiga/stand/bootblock/boot/Makefile    2003/01/10 21:07:19
  | @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
  |  .SUFFIXES: .out .o .po .so .s .S .c .cc .C .f .y .l .ln .m4 .sh
  |  FILES= boot.amiga
  | -BINDIR=/usr/mdec
  | +BINDIR=/
  |  COBJS = main.o console.o xd.o twiddle.o bzero.o gets.o
  |  COBJS+=  lseek.o open.o read.o close.o dev.o errno.o
  | -- 
  | seal your e-mail: http://www.gnupg.org/

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