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Re: compiling openssl

webmaster%datazap.net@localhost wrote:

Hi All,

I am hoping that someone can shed some insight on what is going. I am
running NetBSD 1.5.3, and I just used sup to download the latest pkgsrc
tree. I would like to update my install of openssl, but when I type make
it compiles with -O2 -m68020-40 and not for the 68060. I can't understand
this because I have:

COPTS+=-O3 -m68060

...in my mk.conf. Is there something that I am missing? Is there a way to
get openssl to compile for the 68060?

I just had a quick search to google about openssl and 68060,
I found that openssl, due to its only integer mechanism,
does not seam to need specific 68060 code

as I said, it is only a quick search, maybe I didn't understand well


maybe openssl code is not written to use 68060 and so always compile
in 68020-40 mode

have a look at Readme files and maybe FAQs about openssl

else (again)


# Used mostly by packages (e.g.:  pgp2, ssh) with have fast
# 68020/030/040 assembler routines for multiprecision arithmetic,
# which use the 32/64bit mul/div instruction.  These instructions are
# software emulated on the 68060, thus very slow.  Set to YES when
# compiling for the 68060 cpu.
# Possible: not defined, YES.
# Default: not defined.

this is an option to force 68060 compiling
as it is written, it is about assembler multiprecision arithmetic
that are fast with 020, 030 and 040 and slow on 060 because
of instructions emulaton

I read somewhere that opennsll is not written with assembler
so maybe compiling for 060 would slow down opensll
Nicolas Bruno BASTIEN

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