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Re: cardbus in GENERIC


On Thu, Sep 26, 2002 at 08:08:07AM +0000, Rob Andrews wrote:
> [Ignatios Souvatzis wrote in newsgate.netbsd.ports.amiga]
>  > Hm - and when was it added to GENERIC? All that work, to my knowledge,
>  > are "ne2000 clones".
> I am in the process of getting some PCMCIA cards to test on my A1200 - one
> is a D-Link DE-660+ (since the DE-660 doesn't work with the Amiga at all).
> Under AmigaOS, I've had compactflash & smartmedia adapters working, so I
> don't see why they shouldn't work.

Thats maybe because the're not using interupts, so they're suffering less
from timing problems.

> But you're right, as far as network cards are concerned, ne2k is all I've
> ever seen on them.

Please check those with NetBSD, that you can check, and report.

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