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Re: Working 1.6?

HAMAJIMA Katsuomi <hamajima%nagoya.ydc.co.jp@localhost> writes: 
> --- sys/arch/amiga/amiga/amiga_init.c.orig      Fri May 31 06:00:23 2002
> +++ sys/arch/amiga/amiga/amiga_init.c   Wed Jun  5 01:20:29 2002
> @@ -249,7 +249,6 @@
>       RELOC(boot_cphysize, u_long) = cphysize;
>       RELOC(machineid, int) = id;
> -     RELOC(chipmem_start, vaddr_t) = cphysize;
>       RELOC(chipmem_end, vaddr_t) = cphysize;
>       RELOC(esym, char *) = esym_addr;
>       RELOC(boot_flags, u_long) = flags;

  Where did that come frome (Aymeric?).  Setting chipmem_start and
chipmem_end to the same address makes no sense whatsoever.

  I'm still puzzled as to why my A2000/Zeus boots and runs.  I would think
the chip memory allocation would be messed up, but my display works normally.
>From looking at things with DDB, it looks like the chip memory allocator
has allocated memory from memory mapping the Zorro II address space.  I do
note that if there isn't any Zorro II memory in the machine, it would be
using memory maps the CIA chips - random accesses to that could do bad things.

Michael L. Hitch                        mhitch%montana.edu@localhost
Operations Consulting,  Information Technology Center
Montana State University, Bozeman, MT     USA

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