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Poor Ariadne Performance on 10/100 Hub


I'm getting strangely poor performance from my Ariadne board (not
Ariadne II) in an A4000 w/ WarpEngine 4040.

I only get an average of about 70 kBytes/s transfer rate, mostly
because I get a fraction of a second of 600k/s transfer and then a
lock-up of one or two seconds, then another short transfer burst, then
another lockup, etc.

All my computers (7 total, of which 3 to 5 are running most of the
time) are connected to a 10/100 autosensing half-duplex hub. (Allnet
"ALL 8081"). All other computers get excellent throughput, up to
1.1M/s via 10Mbps and 4 or more MB/s (usually limited by disk
performance) via 100MBps, only the Amiga makes problems.

When I connect a second (10 Mbps only) hub via the uplink port to the
main hub, and connect the Amiga to the second hub (via either RJ45 or
BNC) it gets normal throughput of around 600-700k/s.

I tried everything I could think of, different cables, different
ports, testing other machines with the same cables/ports, but still
no change. Btw, I get the same problem under AmigaOS, so it seems to
be some kind of hardware-incompatibility between the Ariadne and this
specific hub.

Is there anything else that I could try to figure out what exactly
goes wrong?



Bernd Sieker

NetBSD - the devil's advocate.
                -- Julian Assange

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