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Re: idesc retirement plan

On Wed, Jan 17, 2001 at 09:59:52PM +0100, Ignatios Souvatzis wrote:
> After having witnessed myself two wdc* at mainbus0  A4000 machines last
> weekend, and having heard about working A1200 with wdc, I intend to retire
> idesc as follows:

Seems to be ok. I have been using wdc on my A4k since it
was introduced in -current (for amiga) w/o problems - well,
I did have problems when I played with power saving modes
of the drive (via atactl). But this probably was a hardware


Ingolf Steinbach        Balin@IRCnet         ICQ#60829470
PGP: 0x7B3B5661  213C 828E 0C92 16B5  05D0 4D5B A324 EC04

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