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Re: Zeroth experimental buddha kernel available for ALpha test


> The kernel startup messages should report
> wdc0 at zbus0: Buddha
> wdc0 at zbus0: Buddha Flash
> wdc0 at zbus0: Catweazle
> and the attached devices.
But it reports:
wdc1 at zbus0 pa 0xec0000 man/pro 4626/0: Buddha Flash
uvm_fault(0x19e8f4, 0x0, 0, 0x3) -> 0x1
  type 8, code [mmu,,ssw]: 402070d
trap type 8, code = 402070d, v = 0
pid = 0, pc = 0017F54A, ps = 2700, sfc = 1, dfc = 1
             0        1        2        3        4        5        6
dreg: 00002714 00000001 00000000 00288C80 00288CA8 00288C9C 00288CA0
areg: 00000000 0017F413 00288CA4 00288CAC 00288C00 00288CF6 00209D28

Kernel Stack (00209BC8):

...(We decidet not to post the whole stack, since we have to type it from
screen intoe the schlepptop ;-)

panic: MMU fault
Stopped in swapper at   0x10efa:     unlk   a6

We used "loadbsd netbsd.buddha" to load the kernel. perhaps we forgot any
additional options?

The Amiga is an A2k, apollo2030, 25mhz, mmu, fpu, mini-megi  videoram
etention/2mb, 32mb fastram, hypercom3+, picassoII+/2MB, AmigaOS3.5,
kickstart 3.1.

Stefan and Jan

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