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Re: Zeroth experimental buddha kernel available for ALpha test


I should have thought for a second, before writing on Thu, Dec 28, 2000 at
01:05:06PM +0100. Corrected text below.

> due to popular request and my kid actually sleeping at least half
> of three evenings, I've looked at the Buddha/Catweazle hardware docs and
> written a driver frontend for it.
> Not having the hardware myself, I can't test it, but it compiled and the
> kernel at least did run on my DraCo without breaking anything else.
> The kernel is at ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/arch/amiga/misc/1.5+buddha/;
> there is a gzip-compressed (otherwise mostly INSTWDCPCM) kernel, a source
> diff file, and the usual set of *SUM and MD5 files. Source diffs to 1.5
> will be uploaded shortly.
> The kernel startup messages should report

wdc1 at zbus0: Buddha
wdc1 at zbus0: Buddha Flash
wdc1 at zbus0: Catweazle

> and the attached devices.
> Please test and report success and failures (if failures, at least with
> complete startup messages).


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