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Re: Melody12k boards?

On Fri, Dec 08, 2000 at 06:14:50PM +0100, J.O. Aho wrote:
> I have seen that the MelodyZorro board is supported, but I have the clockport
> version (Melody1200pro) and I would like to use it instead of the builded in
> sound. How hard would it be to make the right drivers (using the MelZorro)?

I have no idea.

Apparently, the Melody1200 board can be hooked onto a Zorro carrier, so that
I could write and test support for it... _if_ I had information and a set
of boards. In the past, KATO Development had given me pretty early access to
the old Zorro-Melody, and the documentation needed (name of the TI chip used
there, mostly, and how it is hooked up), so that the old driver was possible.

I had talked with one of them about the new board about two years ago, but
somehow, getting a bridgeboard so that I could verify it works in the DraCo
didn't work out.

> Are there any software which would support the use of the MPEG onboard?

For the old Zorro Melody, just set it to the right mode and
cat bla.mp2 > /dev/sound1.


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