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Re: kernel make depend

On Mon, Nov 15, 1999 at 08:52:56AM +0100, Johan Roos wrote:
> I have a newly installed A1200 with NetBSD 1.4.1.
> When trying to compile a the kernel I get: 
> "Illegel instruction - core dumped" when doing "sh ...kern/genassym.sh cc
> -Werr... ...arch/amiga/amiga/genassym.cf > assym.h.cf && mv -f assym.h.tmp..."
> The mv works if I execute it by hand but the assym.h.tmp is empty.
> It always fails on the same spot regardless of configuration so I guess its 
> not
> a general memory error.
> When I try to start X (with Xwrapper) I also get a "Illegal instruction" after
> the non-fatal xkb error.
> The system is an A1200 with a Blizzard 1230IV (no FPU) and an internal 1.4GB
> drive and an A2024 monitor.

I didn't forget you... just need to take apart my A3000 (pull out 68040 board,
jumper it back to mainboard operation, make sure it works, jumper it to FPUless
operation). Please be patient.

Actually, if you send me the kernel configuration file you'd like, I could
build one for you in the meantime.


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