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Re: kernel make depend

Sorry, I get "Illegal instruction at the first thing make does: 
"sh genassym.sh"
I can compile everything, though, from /sys/arch/amiga by just typing make.
But i guess it doesnt make anything usefull, does it.

On 26-Nov-99 Hubert Feyrer wrote:
| In article <3833F5E0.91F68D89%byggdok.se@localhost> you wrote:
|> After hours of trying, i still cant make this work. I'm stuck in a "catch
|> 22"-situation. I can't recompile the kernel since make depends fails and I
|> can't
|> decide wheather it's the kernel that fails since I can't recompile the
|> kernel.
| Scratch the whole compile dir, config, and then go without the 
| "make depend". Should work definitely for the first compile, and if
| there's not too many changes in sources or the kernel config.
|  - Hubert
| -- 
| NetBSD - Better for your uptime than Viagra

Mail: Johan Roos <roos%byggdok.se@localhost> | Phone: +46(0)708953197, 

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