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Re: setting up the network

Hello Ignatios

Den 09-Aug-99 skrev Ignatios Souvatzis:

> This is not for the faint of heart, but you could always use the slip
> (sl0) or PPP interfaces.

Hmmm.. the only interface I can configure during the install is eon0, so I
don't know how or where or when to configure sl0

> If you want a walkthrough on this, I can try to write up my ideas... but
> it would be better if you knew what to do yourself. ;-)

That would be much apriciated! Though I do know a fair bit about configuring
networks, interfaces under NetBSD has never been my strong side.. ;)

Jens Dueholm Christensen <jens%dueholm.dk@localhost>. Member of Team *AMIGA*

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