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Re: setting up the network

On Mon, Aug 09, 1999 at 02:18:15AM +0100, Jens Dueholm Christensen wrote:
> Hi there!
> I'm wondering if I can install NetBSD 1.4 via a nullmodem..
> I've configured a hd on my a4000 and transfered the miniroot fs to it, then
> put the hd on my a1200 and booted from it.. now I'm wondering if I can
> configure the network (on the a1200) to use the builtin ser port, but the
> only interface I can configure is eon0, which does'nt seem right.
> What can I do?? (no.. I've got no ethernet for the a1200, and it's a a1200
> with 50MHz 030 +MMU w. 24MB ram)

This is not for the faint of heart, but you could always use the slip (sl0)
or PPP interfaces.

If you want a walkthrough on this, I can try to write up my ideas... but it
would be better if you knew what to do yourself. ;-)


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