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Re: your mail

Hello Markus,

Am 30-Mär-99 schriebst Du:
MI>> Meanwhile I tried with "extract" (from the directory
MI>> /XFree86/NetBSD-1.3.2/ and from /var/tmp [after copying offcourse]) ,
MI>> but it still doesn't work and extracting with tar --unlink xpzf (and!
MI>> --unlink -xvpzf) /.../[filename] where filename is something like
MI>> X332bin.tgz
MI> Yieks. XFree86 is - as named - for Intel platforms, not Amiga. The m68k
MI> sets for X11 are placed in ./m68k/binary/sets/. The Amiga directory 
MI> "binary/sets" contains softlinks to those files.
MI> Try again with those files please, just as Arto already stated, too.

uh  much better, (still have some problems with my Picasso, but I'll try
to fix it)

Thanx for your helping

-- _   _____  ____
  / \ |     |/ ___| Andre Schwab
 /   \| | | |___  | @W-Specht.e.ruhr.de
/__|__\_|_|_|_____| @cityweb.de

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