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Re: Install Gateway 3 (NetBSD 1.3.2)
Hello Markus
On 30-Jan-99, Markus Illenseer wrote:
»> Description: I can install minifs, boot into it w/GOBSD MANYSEG FAST AGA,
»> and actually install everything, but when I reboot and use the startup
»> menu to boot into the BSD partition, nothing happens, then the system
»> boots into Workbench.
» During the installation process you are asked to install the bootblock
» loader. Did you answer positively?
Yes. It was my fault, <head dropped in shame>, I didn't double, triple and
quadrouple check the settings in HDToolbox to make sure my changes took.
» Did you install NetBSD on a SCSI drive or IDE?
On IDE. I transfered the files from the CD to a shared partition.
Here's another question. Installing X and the additional packages, do
I use the m68K versions? I did for X and it ran, so I guess my assumption
was correct. I also can't seem to get Listmode to ready my Picasso configs,
any suggestions?
WOW! My BSD experience sure is a heck of a lot differnt them my RH/i386
one... :)
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