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Re: Fw: Amiga Unix

Napisane 01-Wrz-98 przez: box...

>>AFAIUnderstood, he was asking about the possibility to run NetBSD/Amiga on
>>e.g. UAE equipped wintel-pc. This doesn't make any real sense to me


>I was asking you lot wether it was possible. Not asking you to question my
>motives or sanity.

>The only reason I have to do it is: Why Not? Lets see if it works!

>I have no shortage of Unix. I have no shortage of Windows, Netware, VMS. I
>am just sad that I like doing stupid things like getting Mac emulators
>working under Amiga Emulators under Unix. The next thing I want to try is
>NetBSD/Amiga running on UAE under Solaris, NetBSD, Linux, Windoze or

Nobody's been questioning your motives or sanity. I also like to do stupid
things from time to time. I only cleared your point to Markus and added my
opinion that even if you meant something different, there is no real sense to
be searched in that case either. This doesn't automatically imply the lack of
sanity or anything similar. Or am I wrong?

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