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Re: Early traces of NetBSD/amiga

Markus Illenseer <markus%core.de@localhost> wrote:
>> Hmm.  It's been a long time.  Snif. :)  I think #744 was probably the
>> first NetBSD version I ever installed.  And I installed it _many_ times
>> because after installing, fsck always complained about the miniroot (or
>> whatever the filesystem image was called).  Turned out to be a problem
>> in the filesystem image.. :-)

Hum, I remember the install session in Bielefeld... :-)

>  I am currently trying to reveal old IrcLogs about this topic :-)
> (Yes, I do have Logs that old, even older...)

You might want to have a look into
there's some mails from 1993 in there, though that's not the first ones.

>  My very first kernel on my Amiga 2000 (famous 'beaver') must have been 
> #5xx - but I am not sure at all, I lost time track over the years.

Heh, I remember when I had my A2k running w/ the A2091 and mtk didn't, 
when I just revamped the A3k's SCSI-driver for the A2091, and mtk tried
to support both and nad a minor bug in the detection code. He was quite
surprised that things worked for me but not for him. .-)
(All kernels compiled under AmigaOS as well :-)

 - Hubert

Hubert Feyrer <hubert.feyrer%rz.uni-regensburg.de@localhost>

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