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Re: TERM = amiga - no more?

Napisane 06-Kwi-98 przez: Anders Skargren...

>> >'http://www.lysator/~lilja/amigassh/'.
>> http://www.lysator.liu.se/~lilja/amigassh/

>Sorry about that. Since I'm in the same domain I usually skip some
>parts of the address, sometimes I do do things without thinking... :-)

I found it anyway. Still _great_ thanks for the info. I just installed
and tested the napsaterm-ssh combination and it seem to work without any
special probs. In fact it works BETTER than the CLI based ssh client in
some cases. Now I can calmly wait for the debugged/corrected termcap
withouth a need to bother anyone here any longer. I also shall try to
apply the patch though...

      / /
     / /
    / /  silverdr%wfmh.org.pl@localhost
\ \/ /

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