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1.3 Kernel for PicassoIV

Hi all.

Is there a kernel for NetBSD1.3 for the PicassoIV ?
There is one for 1.2.1  PicassoIV-1.2.1-kernel.gz
Would this work with 1.3 ?


*email* boothy%weirdness.com@localhost     *irc* Boothy   -*Team AMIGA*-
*web* http://www.boothy.u-net.com
A4000/040, WB/OS 3.1, 18Meg, CD-Rom, PicassoIV 4Meg 24bit Gfx board

*AmigaOS* *MacOS* *MSDos* *UNIX* all in one box ! That's an *Amiga* for you.

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