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Scilab/Mesa questions

   I am trying to build Scilab 2.3 on my NetBSD 1.2.1, but there is no profile
for the building process. Has anyone succeeded in doing so? If so could he/she
sent me the necessary makefiles? On the other hand, I would appreciate any
help so that I create my own.
   One more thing: I have Mesa 2.3 running ok -I suppose so. Nevertheless,
some programs that use Mesa -vtk1.3, vis5d4.3, Renderpark, glchess- refuse to
display anything. I contacted the vtk maillist but no reply came. I am about
to reach the Mesa maillist, but I thought that it might have to do with the
fact that the Xamiga server is working at 8bit, which should be strange, as
all the Mesa examples run ok. I own a PiccoloSD64, and I would like to use the
Xserver at 16bpp or 24bpp. Is it possible or would it require a recompile?

Konstantinos Margaritis
Under-graduate student at Physics Dept. of Athens University
e-mail: markos%acropolis.net@localhost, talk: root%markos.dyn.ml.org@localhost

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