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Re: disklabel

>NetBSD/Amiga does not use a disklabel command, rather it uses filesystem ID's
>generated by your HD partitioning software.

thanks.  i had more/less come that conclusion this evening, when i finally got 
a repeatable and useable ZIP-making process worked out by just bashing away 
with newfx and mount and ignoringthe warnings and errors.

- so: why *is* there a disklabel command in NetBSD/Amiga at all, never mind a 
different from the one you compile from src10?
- why do the manpages talk about having to disklabel?

- why does newfs make complaints hinting it wants disklabels, and can't write 
its own, etc.?

there've been grumbings in newgroups lately that NetBSD isn't as easy to admin 
as linux; i never guessed the docs and software load were actually conspiring 
*against* me.  that was frigging dangerous - in all the diddling with 
disklabel, i slipped once and wrecked the partition scheme on my main drive.  
(miraculously, i only had to restore data in the Amiga partitions.)

Hume Smith  <URL:mailto:hclsmith%tallships.istar.ca@localhost>

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