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Re: USB-C on NetBSD/amd64

Hello David,

  ASB> Does NetBSD/amd64 9.2 include any support for USB-C?  I just
     > plugged a Lenovo 40A9 dock into a ThinkPad T470s, mostly to see
     > what the kernel would tell me about the dock but I see nothing
     > from the kernel when I plug in the USB-C cable.

   DB> I have a USB C hub with Ethernet and HDMI (on a T480).  NetBSD
     > picks up the Ethernet fine but ignores the HDMI. I'm assuming a
     > dock should be pretty much the same but with more layers of
     > USBness...

    Do you happen to know whether the USB-C port you plug that into
features HDMI Alternate mode? For an affordable USB-C to HDMI cable or
dock I think that uses the ThinkPad's built-in GPU.  I'd love to hear
whether anyone is able to use these on NetBSD.

-Andy Ball

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