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Re: Nouveau @ NetBSD 7.1.1

    Date:        Sun, 25 Feb 2018 00:34:19 +0100
    From:        Andreas Drewke <andreas%drewke.net@localhost>
    Message-ID:  <64e0e322-7d2c-826a-2932-0b0a23c12f5f%drewke.net@localhost>

  | Please see attached a screen with back trace.

That indicates that your card is not recognised - somewhere earlier in the
kernel autoconf output you will have something that is something like ...

nouveau0 at pci1 dev 0 function 0: vendor 10de product 1c8d (rev. 0xa1)
drm kern error: nouveau E[  DEVICE][nouveau0] unknown chipset, 0x137000a1
drm kern error: nouveau E[     DRM] failed to create 0x80000080, -22
nouveau0: unable to attach drm: 22

That's from current, rather than 7.anything but something similar is likely 
what you will see.   The "vendor 10de product 1c8d (rev. 0xa1)" and
"unknown chipset, 0x137000a1" parts of that are what would be needed
to determine in which (if any) NetBSD version your card might be supported.

  | BTW: Nouveau works with Ubuntu 17.10 here.

I think ubuntu use binary blob drivers from nvidia quite often, and when
they don't, their drivers do tend to be updated more often.


ps: for future reference, for you and everyone else reading this, if you are 
going to include photographs in e-mail to the lists, please take a few seconds
and reduce the size/quality to something smaller & lesser than your average
camera (or phone) produces, leave it readable, but more than that is just wasting
everyone's bandwidth.

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