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geos2, gdal, grass comments

First, thanks to those who have been packaging these programs.  I
haven't run grass yet, but would like to use it, and having entries in
wip is a big help.

All of this is on NetBSD 2.99.15 (specifically, current from
2005-02-02) on i386.

I ran into the following troubles, and got around them - I'm not sure
if my changes are correct, and I don't want to interfere with the
pkgsrc entry author's work, so I'm not going to commit them unless
asked to.


I noticed that wip/geos2 was buildlinked in, but not present.  So I
created it.  Then gdal-lib was changed to use wip/geos.  I tried to
build it, and got compilation errors due to no function with matching
signature (in ogr).  gdal sources indicate that geos 2 is needed, so I
tried buildlinking wip/geos2 instead.  Then it built, and gdalinfo
produced sensible output on a USGS DRG (which is geotiff).  A package
called 'gdal' (not gdal-lib) was created.  Other than needing to
change to geos2, the package seems fine.

Index: Makefile
RCS file: /cvsroot/pkgsrc-wip/wip/gdal-lib/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 Makefile
--- Makefile    28 Mar 2005 17:10:06 -0000      1.2
+++ Makefile    30 Mar 2005 00:01:15 -0000
@@ -28,6 +28,6 @@
 .include "../../misc/proj/"
 .include "../../mk/"
-.include "../../wip/geos/"
+.include "../../wip/geos2/"
 .include "../../textproc/xerces-c/"
 .include "../../mk/"


This built and installed ok.


This seems intended to include both wip/gdal-lib and wip/gdal-doc, but
the name conflicts with the library package "gdal".  It would be nice
to have a Makefile.common to set the version number.  Perhaps gdal,
gdal-lib and gdal-doc are appropriate package names, loosely following
the example of PostgreSQL.


configure failed to find tcl.  This is because tcl is linked -pthread,
and grass's configure didn't pass -pthread, so the link failed with
various missing pthread_foo.  I edited -pthread into the link lines in
configure, and then tcl was found.  This is not the right fix, since
it's platform-specific whether tcl uses -pthread.  Perhaps tcl needs
to provide a ${LOCALBASE}/lib/pkgconfig/tcl.pc with this present
conditionally, and grass should use the pkgconfig autoconf script :-)

The pkgsrc Makefile sets BUILD_TARGET to "default".  I don't know why,
and this seems to cause the build to fail.

grass seems to have the equivalent of "-k" in the Makefile; make seems
to succeed even though there are errors.  I haven't found how this is
done; it seems pkgsrc should patch this out so build failures will
cause the pkg not to build, but I really don't understand the grass
build procedure so I suspect I'm missing something.


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