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Re: Request to import wip/mc to pkgsrc

> Most changes to the user interface are a regression.
No. Most changes in the user interface don't annoy *me* at all.

> The easiest example is META-o. In 4.6.1, changed the other panel to
> the current directory.  In the new version, it depends on whether the
> focus is a directory or a file. If it is a file, the parent directory
> is opened, otherwise the focused item. In both cases the focus is
> moved down. WTF, that's completely annoying and more often than not
> completely useless.
Ok. Joerg Sonnenberger doesn't like new key binding in mc-4.7.
Can this fact be a reason to not import latest mc to pkgsrc
to a *different* location (remember sysutils/mc470)? Of course, no.
You may continue to use mc-4.6 from sysutils/mc. Who cares?

> I could go on with the interaction between Find
> File and the Search Dialog in the internal editor, the persistence of
> the pattern for +/- etc. The new version just sucks.
No, it doesn't, but mc-4.6 really sucks and I already explained
why.  The only thing you've really said is that you don't like some
changes incompatible with mc-4.6. If you read my initial
request carefully, you'll find my proposal to import it to a *different*
location thus allowing everyone to choose his/her favourite mc.

Best regards, Aleksey Cheusov.

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