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Re: CVS commit: wip/jalbum

On Mon, May 02, 2005 at 12:40:56PM +0300, Martti Kuparinen wrote:
> Could you guys try this and let me know if there are any problems
> with the latest version. If everything is okay I'll import it
> to pkgsrc...

DIST_SUBDIR should be PKGNAME_NOREV, so that it doesn't change when
someone bumps a PKGREVISION.

USE_JAVA defaults to yes when you include, so you
shouldn't need that.

In the do-install target: avoid the tar construct using -C, that
assumes GNU tar. You could e.g. use ${PAX} like this:
        cd ${WRKSRC} && ${PAX} -rw JAlbum ${PREFIX} pax is in the
bootstrap kit.

It's not good pkgsrc style to have a separate subdir for a package
directly under ${PREFIX}, but I guess too much codes assumes the

Other than that, the package looks good. Oh, review requests
should go to pkgsrc-wip-review instead of -discuss :)


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