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Re: Failures in pkgsrc-wip

On Sat, 23 Apr 2005, Hauke Fath wrote:

At 18:10 Uhr +0200 23.4.2005, Krister Walfridsson wrote:
  warning: "eval "perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e ldopts"" returned non-zero

does your bulk build attempt to build wip/nnrpd on a system without perl?
If yes, that's noted in the TODO as a known issue.

Yes, the buil build start by nuking all packages in order to get a consistent starting pont.

The problem is caused by the following entry in INN's file:

##  How do you get the PERL libraries?  This version of INN has Perl dynamic
##  loading support.  If you've set PERL_SUPPORT to DO, go back to your shell
##  and run 'perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e ldopts'.  Paste its output below.
#### =()<PERL_LIB       @<PERL_LIB>@>()=

To substitute @PERL_LDOPTS@, I had to resort to

# How do we know we have perl? Catch22...
PERL_LDOPTS!=           eval "perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e ldopts"

in the pkg Makefile which of course conflicts with properly detecting an
installed perl.

Does anyone know of a better way to obtain the output of 'perl
-MExtUtils::Embed -e ldopts'?

I'm not sure if there are some magic in the buildlink and other .mk
files that can give you this information, but your approach does
only need a small modification to work when perl is not installed.

The Makefile is parsed a number of times during a build.  The first
time it only tries to find out the dependencies so that they can
be installed, so PERL_LDOPTS is not needed at this point; the file
will be parsed again after all dependencies (including perl) have
been installed.

So the only issue is the annoying (but harmless) error message when
perl is not installed.  The easiest way to get rid of it is to
send it to /dev/null, but it is probably better to use a construct

  .include "../../mk/"
  .if (exists(${PERL5})
  PERL_LDOPTS!=           eval "${PERL5} -MExtUtils::Embed -e ldopts"


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