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Re: 2024Q2: 6277 packages to install on later "pkgin upgrade" run

Van Ly <> writes:

> Greg Troxel <> writes:
>> Van Ly <> writes:
>>> An extra complication to my muddling through the process is that I
>>> sometimes use pkgin or pkg_add and through doas or at the shell after a
>>> doas su - .
>> I doubt that matters.
> Thought I should mention that in case the pkgin method tracks metadata
> the pkg_tools don't.

I misread and only noticed the doas variation.  But mostly pkgin just
decides what to do, and the real metadata is what packages are installed
and which are "keepable" (which I think is franglais for "does not have

> Say this is the scenario, the binary distribution repos are such that
>  . 2023Q4 has SBCL
>  . 2024Q1 has none
>  . 2024Q2 has SBCL
> I want to keep the SBCL from 2023Q4 until it becomes available again in
> 2024Q2.
> The SBCL package used to be further behind the latest version by a
> lot. I found I lost it in an pkgin upgrade cycle. To build an SBCL
> requires an existing SBCL or some other CL.
> 2024Q2 SBCL is two minor versions behind latest so the chance is good
> the pkgsrc maintainer will continue to keep it available.

You can't mix, unless there is a special case of the dependency trees
being disjoint.  So when 2024Q1 comes out, you can either hold on
2023Q4, or drop SBCL.  Or you can really understand the dependencies and
fix them.

You should not view a hard line between you as a user and the
maintainer.  The license grants you permission to make changes and if
you care about a package it makes sense to learn enough to contribute to
maintaining.  Otherwise you risk nobody who fixes it caring, and you not
being in a position to fix it yourself.  If you don't want to do that,
that's ok too.  But people like me will tell you that you can't in
general mix quarters, and if SBCL doesn't build because of some decay,
that's how it is.  None of us have the time to fix everything, so what
gets worked on is the union of what people have some combination of
desire, spare time and understanding for.  Of course understanding comes
from spending time too.

Hope this helps....

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