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sysutils/podman on -current amd64 - go error


I prepared the lines after the ===== line to ask for help, but then I
realised the problem. It appears sysutils/podman is at the moment
unusable, as the machine it downloads uses podman 5 apis, whereas
sysutils/podman is 4.4.1. I tried to build the current 5.0.2 version,
but got bogged in the patchset, so am just setting this for the record
- podman is updated a couple of days ago so I don't know if its worth
sending a pr at the moment.

The discussion is here -

In a previous incarnation of NetBSD-current on the same hardware I was
able to run sysutils/podman. I retried today and got:
❯ podman run hello-world
zsh: correct 'run' to '.run' [nyae]? n
Resolved "hello-world" as an alias
Trying to pull
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob sha256:5ded08933881d5039784494534bc0f3108e8c485d794d6a5b7a54c637d641abc
Copying config sha256:0e9d283b971f583c9110a9438dce74a5f89e5c9b0654c7f9053a904aa4aab830
Writing manifest to image destination
Error: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field
InspectContainerConfig.Config.StopSignal of type uint

All seems kosher, 'podman info' returns sensible output.

❯ podman image list
REPOSITORY            TAG         IMAGE ID      CREATED     SIZE  latest      0e9d283b971f  2 days ago  787 kB

❯ podman machine  info
  Arch: amd64
  CurrentMachine: podman-machine-default
  DefaultMachine: podman-machine-default
  EventsDir: /tmp/podman-run--1/podman
  MachineConfigDir: /home/xci/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu
  MachineImageDir: /home/xci/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/qemu
  MachineState: Running
  NumberOfMachines: 1
  OS: netbsd
  VMType: qemu
  APIVersion: 4.4.1
  Built: 1715089724
  BuiltTime: Tue May  7 14:48:44 2024
  GitCommit: ""
  GoVersion: go1.21.9
  Os: netbsd
  OsArch: netbsd/amd64
  Version: 4.4.1

❯ podman machine list
NAME                     VM TYPE     CREATED      LAST UP
podman-machine-default*  qemu        8 hours ago  Currently running  1
          2.147GB     107.4GB

As per the MESSAGE.NetBSD, I rebuilt GENERIC with 'options HZ=1000',
otherwise the machine would not start. NVMM is obviously also loaded.
The host is -current from two days ago, pkgsrc went through rolling
replace a week or so ago.

Any ideas?



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