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Re: Adding native audio support to ports

	Hello.  When I worked on this issue, I discovered the problem wasn't with the size of the
audio buffer in the audio  subsystem of the kernel, but that the audio driver, in Flite in my
case, confused drain and flush.  Drain tells the audio subsystem to finish what it's doing and
return.  Flush tells the audio system to stop what it's doing, *NOW*, and return.
On netBSD, at least until NetBSD-9.9977, the flush ioctl works as it should and audio can be
stopped very quickly.  I see no reason why this should not be true under NetBSD-10 or -current
as well.  Perhaps you've already checked the Espeak-ng sources, or the Speech-dispatcher
sources for this error, but if you have not, I'm guessing the issue you're seeing is in one of
those, not NetBSD.

Just my two cents.

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