Am 26.10.2023 um 10:32 schrieb Manuel Kuklinski <>:
Am Mittwoch 25 Oktober 2023 um 6:06:24 -0700, schrieb Jason Bacon 3,7K:
Another possibility to consider is that pkgsrc is right and upstream is
wrong. Perhaps it actually *should* generate .so files rather than .dylib
for loadable modules? It might be easier to patch the code to look for .so,
rather than patch the build to generate .dylib. I'm not saying this is the
case, just that I would investigate it.
Upstream says, they look for .dylib (Top/csmodule.c:707) and never
tested the function of csound with bundles, but I just blatantly renamed to librtjack.dylib, et voilĂ : sound output (after starting
jackd, of course) :-) As it seems, you were right; now, as far a I
understand, I can rename the .so in lib/csound/plugins64-6.0/ or create
a patch for named C file; I'll test the patch first and if I can't yield
results, I'll take the re-naming route; will push to wip/csound6181.