Hello. Apologies, I'm a newbie.
I'm using pkgin on OS X 10.11.4. There are some packages that I'd like to try to make work on OS X. I understand this might be too big of a project to start with, but is there low hanging fruit that someone could point me toward.
My initial interest came when I found I couldn't install gptfdisk or vlc with pkgin. Gptfdisk I think is not included for any OS that pkgin works with, but looks like an easy win, I think. While vlc can be installed on other OS's with pkgin, some preliminary experimenting suggests to me that GUI dependent pkgs don’t build or sometimes don’t work on OS X with pkgsrc. Obviously, both apps can be built on OS X, or installed from pre-packaged binaries, but it’d be fun to get things like this to “just work” with pkgin. Where do I get started?
The recommended process (https://pkgsrc.joyent.com/docs/building/) for building packages with pkgsrc starts with cloning the entire git repo from github.com/joyent/pkgsrc.git. I think this repo includes much more than just what I need to start packaging, but I'm honestly not clear about that. Is there a more lean base to start with or is this the way to go? I’m dealing with bandwidth limitations (in Micronesia). Also, I’m a bit confused. If I want to bundle packages for pkgin, isn’t there some package I can install with “pkgin in” to help me do this?
I want to use the most standard way of doing this, observant of best practices, particularly regarding portability.