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Re: Moving pkgsrc-wip away from SourceForge

4. 7. 2015 v 18:21, Greg Troxel <>:
>> b) wip is totally the type of thing that should be on Github.
> Why github vs hosted by TNF?
> If people are given push access (like they were given commit access at
> sf), why do we need the notion of "pull requests".

I’d say a great part of the momentum we see in people contributing to the Joyent ‘fork' of pkgsrc lies in the Github interface. It’s the fork/mangle/pull-request workflow made available by Github that makes many people consider contributing with "a quick fix". Take that away and you subtract from the potential momentum.

(That said, the same interface scales rather poorly for projects of the size of pkgsrc. To avoid awkward timeouts, Github will simply refuse to show more than a certain number of branches or commits, for instance.)


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