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can't install gnome

I've downloaded the gnome package and its dependencies using pkg_fetch from and then attempted to install it on a NetBSD/amd64 6.1.5 machine with `pkg_add gnome' but it failed. The last few lines of ouput were:

pkg_add: Warning: package `libgnomekbd-2.32.0nb17' was built for a platform:
pkg_add: NetBSD/x86_64 6.0 (pkg) vs. NetBSD/x86_64 6.1.5 (this host)
Warning in file "/usr/pkg/share/applications/Thunar-folder-handler.desktop": usage of MIME type "x-directory/gnome-default-handler" is discouraged ("x-directory" is an old media type that should be replaced with a modern equivalent) Warning in file "/usr/pkg/share/applications/Thunar-folder-handler.desktop": usage of MIME type "x-directory/normal" is discouraged ("x-directory" is an old media type that should be replaced with a modern equivalent) Warning in file "/usr/pkg/share/applications/xarchiver.desktop": usage of MIME type "multipart/x-zip" is discouraged ("multipart" is a media type that probably does not make sense in this context)
pkg_add: Warning: package `libgtop-2.28.4nb7' was built for a platform:
pkg_add: NetBSD/x86_64 6.0 (pkg) vs. NetBSD/x86_64 6.1.5 (this host)
pkg_add: Warning: package `osabi-NetBSD-6.0' was built for a platform:
pkg_add: NetBSD/x86_64 6.0 (pkg) vs. NetBSD/x86_64 6.1.5 (this host)
The Operating System version (6.1.5) does not match 6.0
pkg_add: install script returned error status
pkg_add: Can't install dependency osabi-NetBSD-6.0
pkg_add: Can't install dependency libgtop>=2.28.4nb3
pkg_add: Can't install dependency bug-buddy>=2.26.0
pkg_add: 1 package addition failed

which is curious since many packages seem to install and function properly despite the warning about them being built for 6.0 instead of 6.1.5.

What are my options now?  Is the best thing to try to install from pkgsrc?


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