On Mon, Apr 02, 2012 at 06:02:22AM +0700, Robert Elz wrote:
Date: Mon, 02 Apr 2012 02:00:28 +0400
From: Aleksej Saushev <asau%inbox.ru@localhost>
Message-ID: <87pqbrru2r.fsf_-_%inbox.ru@localhost>
| Does it have any advantages over rsync?
We don't have cvsup because it requires a modula 3 compiler, and as has
been mentioned, csup still seems to have problems (cvsup just works for
me as long as I can keep locating a suitable server to pull from - since
they're not project maintained, from time to time one just vanishes).
Given that, and how network & system resource friendly it is, I prefer
to just keep using it.
What are the csup problems? I'm curious because life in FreeBSD-land seems
to revolve around using csup for updating cvs trees.