At Thu, 15 Sep 2011 13:33:45 -0700, (John Nemeth) wrote: Subject: Re: Changing default X11_TYPE from native to modular for some platforms (Was: What platforms work with X11_TYPE=native) > > Yes, of course that is going to make a difference. My comment > obviously applies to NetBSD-4 as shipped, not some custom hybrid. Hmmm.... The code I build on NetBSD-4 from HEAD of xsrc is almost identical to what's on the netbsd-4 branch of xsrc. All I do is set these in etc/mk.conf: X11SRCDIR ?= /usr/xsrc-current MKX11 ?= yes So as a result ${X11SRCDIR.xc} is still ${X11SRCDIR}/xfree/xc. I.e. it's all just Xfree86 4.2.0 in both netbsd-4 and HEAD of xsrc. Yes, there is xsrc/external/mit in xsrc-current, but I haven't touched it yet on NetBSD-4. A "diff -x CVS xsrc-4/xfree/xc/lib xsrc-current/xfree/xc/lib" produces just 88 lines of output. Most of those changes are C syntax corrections (while a few are bug fixes) but none contain any semantic changes. I.e. none of those changes affect the X11 library APIs in any way whatsoever. That's hardly a "custom hybrid", at least for the components in question. (So I take back my "I don't know if it makes any difference" because now I know that it does not.) So, I'm still not sure I understand why you consider netbsd-4's native X11 to be impossible to use with anything "remotely fancy" in terms of current X11 packages. I haven't noticed any problem with it yet. Note I'm not actually trying to say that pkgsrc shouldn't switch to using its own X11 libraries entirely on NetBSD-4 if that is actually necessary -- I'm just extremely curious as to what difference it would make. For my admittedly limited experience with X11 stuff from pkgsrc it hasn't made any difference for me yet. I don't build KDE4 either though. :-) BTW, as far as I can tell NetBSD-5 is already using the newer Xorg code as the "native" X11 on a few platforms, and if I'm not mistaken that is what pkgsrc refers to as "modular", so at least for amd64, i386, macppc, sgimips, shark, and sparc64 there is no need to use X11_TYPE=modular on NetBSD-5 since X11_TYPE=native is effectively the same thing but without the extra bloat. (All other netbsd-5 platforms are still using XFree86 as their "native" X11 though.) -- Greg A. Woods Planix, Inc. <> +1 250 762-7675
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