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Hi there,

Today, I tried to compile multimedia/dvdrip.
I had to modify multimedia/lsdvd to reflect the change that seem to have applied upstream.

lsdvd-0.16.tar.gz has changed in size, and the code itself as well has changed (patch-ac is no longer necessary).

The following distinfo solved the issue:

% cat distinfo [00:29]
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.6 2007/02/26 17:55:14 snj Exp $

SHA1 (lsdvd-0.16.tar.gz) = d5c0d32bfb220807ebdc0bfbb17679e7294791f4
RMD160 (lsdvd-0.16.tar.gz) = fcd0993aea6ad2203c8be019ec31ba7c8660ca25
Size (lsdvd-0.16.tar.gz) = 100495 bytes
SHA1 (patch-aa) = 41ac6688a47ca1f7f20d17c4fd3d2934eecd369c
SHA1 (patch-ab) = 4beb67fad17313ab2dc200c3efdcbc7fd2495526

Can someone check it works and commit it if it's OK ?

Thanks in advance,


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