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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/multimedia/mkvtoolnix mkvtoolnix: updated to 45.0.0

branches:  trunk
changeset: 426668:97408a65cd85
user:      adam <>
date:      Sun Apr 05 07:05:28 2020 +0000

mkvtoolnix: updated to 45.0.0

Version 45.0.0 "Heaven in Pennies"

New features and enhancements

* mkvmerge: mkvmerge has never supported appending & splitting FLAC audio
  tracks. mkvmerge will now emit error messages when the user attempts either
  instead of continuing and creating invalid FLAC tracks.
* MKVToolNix GUI: added an option in the preferences to turn on eliding text
  on tab headers. If enabled, tab names will be shortened so that all tab
  headers fit into the window's width.
* MKVToolNix GUI: added an option in the preferences to disable all tooltips.
* MKVToolNix GUI: Windows: debug output sent via Qt's to Windows' debugging
  facility will use a more verbose message format including the application
  name, making it easier to filter for in SysInternal's "Debug View" utility.
* MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: if the file identification fails due to a JSON
  parser error, the output generated by `mkvmerge` will be output via Qt's
  debugging facility (viewable with SysInternal's "Debug View" utility on
  Windows; on other systems it's output on `STDERR`) allowing insight into
  what's gone wrong.
* MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: if an error occurs during file identification,
  the name of the processed file will be mentioned in the error message.
* MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: if an error occurs during identification of
  multiple files, the GUI will ask the user whether to continue or abort the
  identification process.
* MKVToolNix GUI: job queue: added an option in the preferences for removing
  completed jobs when exiting the program depending on their status.

Bug fixes

* mkvmerge: H.265/HEVC packetizer: fixed changing the NALU size length, it was
  using the wrong offset into the `hevcC` structure.
* mkvmerge: MP4 reader: fixed calculating the duration of video tracks that
  only contain a single frame.
* mkvmerge: MP4 reader: if there's no frame offset table (`ctts` atom) present
  for H.265/HEVC video tracks, mkvmerge will determine the timestamp order
  itself instead of relying on the timestamps in the MP4 being in the
  presentation order required by Matroska.
* mkvpropedit: Windows: mkvpropedit wasn't caching when reading the file to
  modify, slowing down operations such as adding track statistics tags
* MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: when using the title as part of the destination
  file name (both automatically as well as using the "copy title to
  destination file name" function) all characters that aren't valid in a file
  name are replaced by hyphens.
* MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: the "copy title to destination file name"
  function was broken when the "make file name unique" option in the
  preferences was disabled. In that case the file base name was removed
  regardless of what the title was set to at the time.
* MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: when using the "show command line" menu option
  on Windows the path to the `mkvmerge` executable was shown with forward
  slashes instead of backslashes. This is a purely cosmetic fix as Windows
  supports both forward and backward slashes.
* MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: when adding Blu-ray playlists the GUI used to
  only look for the English version of the disc library information (title &
  cover images). Now the GUI will present all disc library entries in the
  "select playlist to add" dialog & let the user chose which one to use (if
* MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer, info tool: fixed the "warn before overwriting"
  check wrt. jobs creating the same file.


 multimedia/mkvtoolnix/Makefile |   5 ++---
 multimedia/mkvtoolnix/distinfo |  10 +++++-----
 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diffs (30 lines):

diff -r 4d7352d8aefb -r 97408a65cd85 multimedia/mkvtoolnix/Makefile
--- a/multimedia/mkvtoolnix/Makefile    Sun Apr 05 06:14:17 2020 +0000
+++ b/multimedia/mkvtoolnix/Makefile    Sun Apr 05 07:05:28 2020 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.148 2020/03/10 22:10:40 wiz Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.149 2020/04/05 07:05:28 adam Exp $
-DISTNAME=      mkvtoolnix-44.0.0
+DISTNAME=      mkvtoolnix-45.0.0
 CATEGORIES=    multimedia
 EXTRACT_SUFX=  .tar.xz
diff -r 4d7352d8aefb -r 97408a65cd85 multimedia/mkvtoolnix/distinfo
--- a/multimedia/mkvtoolnix/distinfo    Sun Apr 05 06:14:17 2020 +0000
+++ b/multimedia/mkvtoolnix/distinfo    Sun Apr 05 07:05:28 2020 +0000
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.76 2020/03/09 17:36:04 adam Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.77 2020/04/05 07:05:28 adam Exp $
-SHA1 (mkvtoolnix-44.0.0.tar.xz) = 3087cca863508c855a515dea22b1a75a568abd08
-RMD160 (mkvtoolnix-44.0.0.tar.xz) = b3c9c0ce5d37e4b0171cb26a7b0424e7aa71ca9c
-SHA512 (mkvtoolnix-44.0.0.tar.xz) = d165d3459fd4559975f648a7ec5daf93417f72aa6ad7fd0cb7c9c8d66ca574648d7be465ce92842bd46930747251476ebb269bcdcf71257c71f39c0609f98212
-Size (mkvtoolnix-44.0.0.tar.xz) = 7487616 bytes
+SHA1 (mkvtoolnix-45.0.0.tar.xz) = 4cea344c3e88c0e609cc315b417ad4d00f8d3145
+RMD160 (mkvtoolnix-45.0.0.tar.xz) = a94a0848c7185befd5ce136f545728fea8d5f050
+SHA512 (mkvtoolnix-45.0.0.tar.xz) = 373400c66ad8ea70b775d946842783c241fea04f4c5c9628f1652e45128e34abc41037045cbd47b83e70e350a338e5dc188cf0b51662726e0ff2e8288f0423dc
+Size (mkvtoolnix-45.0.0.tar.xz) = 7500448 bytes
 SHA1 (patch-Rakefile) = 94c0a9ae0443f652a87f91cec195fe0d7afb61ac
 SHA1 (patch-src_common_locale.cpp) = 46ba293fb0dee8af0e6e6fbe17c725a509101109

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