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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/lang/duktape duktape: Capitalize ECMAScript and JavaSc...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 426644:fe712d386c3b
user:      ryoon <>
date:      Sat Apr 04 07:46:24 2020 +0000

duktape: Capitalize ECMAScript and JavaScript


 lang/duktape/DESCR |  14 +++++++-------
 1 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diffs (25 lines):

diff -r 37c68bedcf65 -r fe712d386c3b lang/duktape/DESCR
--- a/lang/duktape/DESCR        Sat Apr 04 07:32:28 2020 +0000
+++ b/lang/duktape/DESCR        Sat Apr 04 07:46:24 2020 +0000
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-Duktape is an embeddable Ecmascript E5/E5.1 engine with a focus on
+Duktape is an embeddable ECMAScript E5/E5.1 engine with a focus on
 portability and compact footprint.  By integrating Duktape into your
 C/C++ program you can easily extend its functionality through
 scripting.  You can also build the main control flow of your program
-in Ecmascript and use fast C code functions to do heavy lifting.
+in ECMAScript and use fast C code functions to do heavy lifting.
-The terms Ecmascript and Javascript are often considered more or less
-equivalent, although Javascript and its variants are technically just
-one environment where the Ecmascript language is used.  The line
+The terms ECMAScript and JavaScript are often considered more or less
+equivalent, although JavaScript and its variants are technically just
+one environment where the ECMAScript language is used.  The line
 between the two is not very clear in practice:  even non-browser
-Ecmascript environments often provide some browser-specific built-ins.
+ECMAScript environments often provide some browser-specific built-ins.
 Duktape is no exception, and provides the commonly used print() and
-alert() built-ins.  Even so, we use the term Ecmascript throughout to
+alert() built-ins.  Even so, we use the term ECMAScript throughout to
 refer to the language implemented by Duktape.

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