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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/www/ruby-actionpack42 www/ruby-actionpack42: update to...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 377121:f7509a61174e
user:      taca <>
date:      Tue Mar 13 16:35:25 2018 +0000

www/ruby-actionpack42: update to 4.2.10

pkgsrc change: switch to depends on textproc/ruby-rails-dom-testing1

## Rails 4.2.10 (September 27, 2017) ##

*   Fix regression in behavior of `normalize_path`.

    In Rails 5 there was a change to ensure the encoding of the original string
    in a path was maintained. This was incorrectly backported to Rails 4.2 which
    caused a regression.

    *Eileen M. Uchitelle*

## Rails 4.2.9 (June 26, 2017) ##

*   Use more specific check for :format in route path

    The current check for whether to add an optional format to the path is very lax
    and will match things like `:format_id` where there are nested resources, e.g:

    ``` ruby
    resources :formats do
      resources :items

    Fix this by using a more restrictive regex pattern that looks for the patterns
    `(.:format)`, `.:format` or `/` at the end of the path. Note that we need to
    allow for multiple closing parenthesis since the route may be of this form:

    ``` ruby
    get "/books(/:action(.:format))", controller: "books"

    This probably isn't what's intended since it means that the default index action
    route doesn't support a format but we have a test for it so we need to allow it.

    Fixes #28517.

    *Andrew White*


 www/ruby-actionpack42/Makefile |   5 ++---
 www/ruby-actionpack42/distinfo |  10 +++++-----
 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diffs (37 lines):

diff -r 1a3db7e7ae8c -r f7509a61174e www/ruby-actionpack42/Makefile
--- a/www/ruby-actionpack42/Makefile    Tue Mar 13 16:33:39 2018 +0000
+++ b/www/ruby-actionpack42/Makefile    Tue Mar 13 16:35:25 2018 +0000
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.4 2017/07/18 14:38:52 taca Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2018/03/13 16:35:25 taca Exp $
 DISTNAME=      actionpack-${RAILS_VERSION}
@@ -15,7 +14,7 @@
 DEPENDS+=      ${RUBY_PKGPREFIX}-rack16>=1.6:../../www/ruby-rack16
 DEPENDS+=      ${RUBY_PKGPREFIX}-rack-test>=0.6.2<0.7:../../www/ruby-rack-test
 # ruby-actionview already depends them.
-#DEPENDS+=     ${RUBY_PKGPREFIX}-rails-dom-testing>=1.0.5:../../textproc/ruby-rails-dom-testing
+#DEPENDS+=     ${RUBY_PKGPREFIX}-rails-dom-testing1>=1.0.5:../../textproc/ruby-rails-dom-testing1
 #DEPENDS+=     ${RUBY_PKGPREFIX}-rails-html-sanitizer>=1.0.2:../../www/ruby-rails-html-sanitizer
diff -r 1a3db7e7ae8c -r f7509a61174e www/ruby-actionpack42/distinfo
--- a/www/ruby-actionpack42/distinfo    Tue Mar 13 16:33:39 2018 +0000
+++ b/www/ruby-actionpack42/distinfo    Tue Mar 13 16:35:25 2018 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.1 2017/04/20 21:59:11 minskim Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.2 2018/03/13 16:35:25 taca Exp $
-SHA1 (actionpack-4.2.8.gem) = 185fce7ae0e740dba3282118ab3485a734fbe29b
-RMD160 (actionpack-4.2.8.gem) = c18b9c315833fd2ec31d6f71e580fca08fe18e96
-SHA512 (actionpack-4.2.8.gem) = 28752f853abe1486539926086cb32b819607b5e6a2a8dc936e535df7a2d4e3bc73964ba84cea0f2e27b7064708e6e82081946b570381807c987b186dc3e2140d
-Size (actionpack-4.2.8.gem) = 186368 bytes
+SHA1 (actionpack-4.2.10.gem) = 85f298ea7f18eacb9a53269cae45936e15e48705
+RMD160 (actionpack-4.2.10.gem) = 568193dc3fe78da4275683688ecc80975a875fe5
+SHA512 (actionpack-4.2.10.gem) = 64d79d9b21e187766d4816b8a0cdf2707b906025da20a7db9dd74ea9bdbee66f4e3b1f4d610467d76d4327b2506855f8265f27309e88416f9bc1a583fe6dc4c9
+Size (actionpack-4.2.10.gem) = 186880 bytes

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