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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/print cups: update to 2.2.11

branches:  trunk
changeset: 394575:530332c90a76
user:      wiz <>
date:      Wed Apr 17 09:39:27 2019 +0000

cups: update to 2.2.11

Changes in CUPS v2.2.11

- Running ppdmerge with the same input and output filenames did not work as
  advertised (Issue #5455)
- Fixed a potential memory leak when reading at the end of a file (Issue #5473)
- Fixed potential unaligned accesses in the string pool (Issue #5474)
- Fixed a potential memory leak when loading a PPD file (Issue #5475)
- Added a USB quirks rule for the Lexmark E120n (Issue #5478)
- Updated the USB quirks rule for Zebra label printers (Issue #5395)
- Fixed a compile error on Linux (Issue #5483)
- The lpadmin command, web interface, and scheduler all queried an IPP
  Everywhere printer differently, resulting in different PPDs for the same
  printer (Issue #5484)
- Fixed an issue with the self-signed certificates generated by GNU TLS
  (Issue #5506)
- The `ippValidateAttribute` function did not catch all instances of invalid
  UTF-8 strings (Issue #5509)
- Non-Kerberized printing to Windows via IPP was broken (Issue #5515)
- The scheduler no longer stops a printer if an error occurs when a job is
  canceled or aborted (Issue #5517)
- Added a USB quirks rule for the DYMO 450 Turbo (Issue #5521)
- Added a USB quirks rule for Xerox printers (Issue #5523)
- The scheduler's self-signed certificate did not include all of the alternate
  names for the server when using GNU TLS (Issue #5525)
- Fixed compiler warnings with newer versions of GCC (Issue #5532, Issue #5533)
- Fixed some PPD caching and IPP Everywhere PPD accounting/password bugs
  (Issue #5535)
- Fixed `PreserveJobHistory` bug with time values (Issue #5538)
- Media size matching now uses a tolerance of 0.5mm (rdar://33822024)
- The lpadmin command would hang with a bad PPD file (rdar://41495016)
- Fixed a potential crash bug in cups-driverd (rdar://46625579)
- Fixed a performance regression with large PPDs (rdar://47040759)
- The scheduler did not always idle exit as quickly as it could.


 print/cups-base/distinfo   |  10 +++++-----
 print/cups/Makefile.common |   4 ++--
 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diffs (33 lines):

diff -r 37dae58d6f3e -r 530332c90a76 print/cups-base/distinfo
--- a/print/cups-base/distinfo  Wed Apr 17 09:35:44 2019 +0000
+++ b/print/cups-base/distinfo  Wed Apr 17 09:39:27 2019 +0000
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.12 2018/12/10 07:54:49 leot Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.13 2019/04/17 09:39:27 wiz Exp $
-SHA1 (cups-2.2.10-source.tar.gz) = 6c9ae0eb292f4604109553795726c0184c8a0058
-RMD160 (cups-2.2.10-source.tar.gz) = b3fa17e6d3cf468afe05015318e67e0c70cc12be
-SHA512 (cups-2.2.10-source.tar.gz) = 1393987a263ebf20089dd3008ae4ed770a27a1f289032604eb9e18f2e863bd0e4215a70118f5a6d3940875625278b6798fbc9070e791ec559179c6cf7dc7b05f
-Size (cups-2.2.10-source.tar.gz) = 10403568 bytes
+SHA1 (cups-2.2.11-source.tar.gz) = b995f520becc6c3e74b89165f689fe8255c86ba5
+RMD160 (cups-2.2.11-source.tar.gz) = f40e35094287f229d3d3d9a06cf7d576d62a60d4
+SHA512 (cups-2.2.11-source.tar.gz) = 21a6916041b50044d336871f10d1192635458a3d318f19a18ad21d27027dd3839400601019e758424c218225a34aba148ba3a57f0ce3fe14c4df03bd1fde3403
+Size (cups-2.2.11-source.tar.gz) = 10405908 bytes
 SHA1 (patch-ae) = f34ec899f4816bdcf96ff315e001e3ac5a960200
 SHA1 (patch-af) = 6ae6ae6006387db69bf7c15f7c8500708c9e8f56
 SHA1 (patch-ai) = 2c1ca67ea6f6c1dedb4c8ff97736f328a2b9a7c6
diff -r 37dae58d6f3e -r 530332c90a76 print/cups/Makefile.common
--- a/print/cups/Makefile.common        Wed Apr 17 09:35:44 2019 +0000
+++ b/print/cups/Makefile.common        Wed Apr 17 09:39:27 2019 +0000
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile.common,v 1.6 2018/12/10 07:54:49 leot Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile.common,v 1.7 2019/04/17 09:39:27 wiz Exp $
 # used by print/cups/Makefile
 # used by print/cups-base/Makefile
-CUPS_VERS=     2.2.10
+CUPS_VERS=     2.2.11
 DISTNAME=      cups-${CUPS_VERS}-source
 CATEGORIES=    print

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