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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/multimedia/mkvtoolnix mkvtoolnix: updated to 21.0.0

branches:  trunk
changeset: 376164:3fae2f35fd18
user:      adam <>
date:      Mon Feb 26 09:52:03 2018 +0000

mkvtoolnix: updated to 21.0.0

Version 21.0.0 "Tardigrades Will Inherit The Earth"

New features and enhancements
* mkvmerge: track statistics tags: the TagDefault element will not be
  written anymore as it was always set to the default value 1
  anyway. Implements 2202.
* mkvmerge, MKVToolNix GUI: JSON files can now contain C++-style line comments
  outside of strings (e.g. something like this: // this is ignored). Such
  comments, even though not part of the official JSON specifications, are now
  ignored when reading JSON files.
* MKVToolNix GUI: chapter editor: opening a Matroska file without chapters in
  it will now open the file in an empty chapter editor instead of showing an
  error message. Implements 2218.
* MKVToolNix GUI: an "info" tool has been added, replacing the functionality
  of mkvinfo's GUI. The functionality is not on par yet but will be for
  release v22. Implements most of the functionality of 2104.

Bug fixes
* build system: configure was treating --disable-ubsan and
  --disable-addrsan the same as --enable-ubsan and
* build system: an error message is output if a command to execute is not
  found instead of silently failing.
* build system: in addition to looking for the gettext C function and
  library, configure now also verifies the presence of the msgfmt program
  instead of simply relying on it.
* mkvmerge: appending files with additional parts at the same time was broken
  if more than one additional part was appended (e.g. when appending files
  from DVDs with something like '(' VTS_01_1.VOB VTS_01_2.VOB ')' + '('
  VTS_02_1.VOB VTS_02_2.VOB ')'). In such a situation the content from files
  VTS_02_1.VOB and VTS_02_2.VOB where laid out in parallel to the content
  from the earlier files.
* mkvmerge: FLV reader: a single invalid AAC frame was written for AAC audio
  tracks with codec initialization data longer than five bytes.
* mkvmerge: FLV reader: timestamps will be normalized down to 0.
* mkvmerge: MP4 reader: if an AAC track doesn't contain an AAC-specific
  decoder configuration in the ESDS portion, then a default decoder
  configuration will be generated based on the track's header data instead of
  skipping the track.
* mkvmerge: MP4 reader: fixed reading HEVC/h.265 video tracks if they're
  stored as Annex B byte streams inside MP4.
* mkvmerge: Ogg Opus reader: mkvmerge will now emit a warning instead of
  aborting when it encounters an Ogg Opus page with no data in the
* mkvmerge, mkvextract: Matroska parser: fixed a segmentation fault that
  occurred whenever the first level 1 element after resyncing after an error
  in the file structure isn't a cluster.
* mkvmerge, MKVToolNix GUI multiplexer & header editor: fixed a crash during
* build system: an error message is output if a command to execute is not
* build system: an error message is output if a command to execute is not
  found instead of silently failing.
* build system: in addition to looking for the gettext C function and
  library, configure now also verifies the presence of the msgfmt program
  instead of simply relying on it.
* mkvmerge: appending files with additional parts at the same time was broken
  if more than one additional part was appended (e.g. when appending files
  from DVDs with something like '(' VTS_01_1.VOB VTS_01_2.VOB ')' + '('
  VTS_02_1.VOB VTS_02_2.VOB ')'). In such a situation the content from files
  VTS_02_1.VOB and VTS_02_2.VOB where laid out in parallel to the content
  from the earlier files.
* mkvmerge: FLV reader: a single invalid AAC frame was written for AAC audio
  tracks with codec initialization data longer than five bytes.
* mkvmerge: FLV reader: timestamps will be normalized down to 0.
* mkvmerge: MP4 reader: if an AAC track doesn't contain an AAC-specific
  decoder configuration in the ESDS portion, then a default decoder
  configuration will be generated based on the track's header data instead of
  skipping the track.
* mkvmerge: MP4 reader: fixed reading HEVC/h.265 video tracks if they're
  stored as Annex B byte streams inside MP4.
* mkvmerge: Ogg Opus reader: mkvmerge will now emit a warning instead of
  aborting when it encounters an Ogg Opus page with no data in the
* mkvmerge, mkvextract: Matroska parser: fixed a segmentation fault that
  occurred whenever the first level 1 element after resyncing after an error
  in the file structure isn't a cluster.
* mkvmerge, MKVToolNix GUI multiplexer & header editor: fixed a crash during
  file type detection for attachments if MKVToolNix is installed in a path
  with non-ASCII characters (e.g. German Umlauts).
* mkvinfo: the --hex-positions parameter did nothing in summary mode.
* mkvinfo: Windows: line endings will be written as \r\n (carriage return &
  line feed) again instead of just \n (line feed).
* mkvpropedit: adding track statistics tags: for tracks with content encoding
  (compression) mkvpropedit is now accounting the uncompressed number of
  bytes, not the encoded (compressed) number of bytes.
* MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: the subtitle character set can now be set for
  appended subtitle files, too.
* MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: when appending, all tracks appended to disabled
  tracks will start out disabled, too.

Build system changes
* mkvinfo: the GUI portion has been removed. mkvinfo is now a pure
  command-line program again.


 multimedia/mkvtoolnix/Makefile  |   5 ++---
 multimedia/mkvtoolnix/PLIST.gui |   4 +---
 multimedia/mkvtoolnix/distinfo  |  10 +++++-----
 3 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diffs (47 lines):

diff -r d27909d0cec8 -r 3fae2f35fd18 multimedia/mkvtoolnix/Makefile
--- a/multimedia/mkvtoolnix/Makefile    Mon Feb 26 09:48:12 2018 +0000
+++ b/multimedia/mkvtoolnix/Makefile    Mon Feb 26 09:52:03 2018 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.101 2018/01/28 20:10:57 wiz Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.102 2018/02/26 09:52:03 adam Exp $
-DISTNAME=      mkvtoolnix-20.0.0
+DISTNAME=      mkvtoolnix-21.0.0
 CATEGORIES=    multimedia
 EXTRACT_SUFX=  .tar.xz
diff -r d27909d0cec8 -r 3fae2f35fd18 multimedia/mkvtoolnix/PLIST.gui
--- a/multimedia/mkvtoolnix/PLIST.gui   Mon Feb 26 09:48:12 2018 +0000
+++ b/multimedia/mkvtoolnix/PLIST.gui   Mon Feb 26 09:52:03 2018 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-@comment $NetBSD: PLIST.gui,v 1.2 2017/09/17 12:00:41 adam Exp $
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST.gui,v 1.3 2018/02/26 09:52:03 adam Exp $
@@ -11,7 +10,6 @@
diff -r d27909d0cec8 -r 3fae2f35fd18 multimedia/mkvtoolnix/distinfo
--- a/multimedia/mkvtoolnix/distinfo    Mon Feb 26 09:48:12 2018 +0000
+++ b/multimedia/mkvtoolnix/distinfo    Mon Feb 26 09:52:03 2018 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.46 2018/02/02 10:04:40 jperkin Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.47 2018/02/26 09:52:03 adam Exp $
-SHA1 (mkvtoolnix-20.0.0.tar.xz) = a1e6a2fa1bce5fffd4a059f606efc05dc3743820
-RMD160 (mkvtoolnix-20.0.0.tar.xz) = 935781a83549d1779b7852ce20a547ad40ebf6fb
-SHA512 (mkvtoolnix-20.0.0.tar.xz) = 1ba7b2d02fcaa2252409702e82e04075237a33b8f2cfe8b85e4ea416d7ad55d0454659c821eb851fa666b15acceec40a5be00691ddaa4ea098cd3a4d2db0d313
-Size (mkvtoolnix-20.0.0.tar.xz) = 4670268 bytes
+SHA1 (mkvtoolnix-21.0.0.tar.xz) = 117b33ad7e584ee3bb886ff04fc7869650aa199e
+RMD160 (mkvtoolnix-21.0.0.tar.xz) = 35001be139d698ff9d22227d7282aad1c3359503
+SHA512 (mkvtoolnix-21.0.0.tar.xz) = 881e0c38eee2d36ab9dea5ccaa8ad74e0076cdc13606f873ab58bfeeec09c05e947529d3bad665b1d4df6a816faca30e8a685bc19115f90c18dac3c1ae27c252
+Size (mkvtoolnix-21.0.0.tar.xz) = 4682788 bytes
 SHA1 ( = 89c67720f7886741dcabbbed88cfbfd31bf4ccc7

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