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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/sysutils/consul Update sysutils/consul to 0.7.0

branches:  trunk
changeset: 354306:376de5112a05
user:      fhajny <>
date:      Wed Oct 26 13:49:17 2016 +0000

Update sysutils/consul to 0.7.0

- The default behavior of leave_on_terminate and skip_leave_on_interrupt are
  now dependent on whether or not the agent is acting as a server or client.
- The allow_stale configuration for DNS queries to the Consul agent now
  defaults to true, allowing for better utilization of available Consul
  servers and higher throughput at the expense of weaker consistency.
- Output from HTTP checks is truncated to 4k when stored on the servers,
  similar to script check output.
- Consul's Go API client will now send ACL tokens using HTTP headers instead
  of query parameters, requiring Consul 0.6.0 or later.
- Removed support for protocol version 1, so Consul 0.7 is no longer
  compatible with Consul versions prior to 0.3.
- The Raft peers information in consul info has changed format and includes
  information about the suffrage of a server, which will be used in future
  versions of Consul.
- New translate_wan_addrs behavior from [GH-2118] translates addresses in
  HTTP responses and could break clients that are expecting local addresses.
- The behavior of the peers.json file is different in this version of
  Consul. This file won't normally be present and is used only during outage
- Consul's default Raft timing is now set to work more reliably on
  lower-performance servers, which allows small clusters to use lower cost
  compute at the expense of reduced performance for failed leader detection
  and leader elections.

- Transactional Key/Value API: A new /v1/txn API was added that allows for
  atomic updates to and fetches from multiple entries in the key/value store
  inside of an atomic transaction.
- Native ACL Replication: Added a built-in full replication capability for
- Server Connection Rebalancing: Consul agents will now periodically
  reconnect to available Consul servers in order to redistribute their RPC
  query load.
- Raft Updates and Consul Operator Interface: This version of Consul
  upgrades to "stage one" of the v2 HashiCorp Raft library.
- Consul's default Raft timing is now set to work more reliably on
  lower-performance servers, which allows small clusters to use lower cost
  compute at the expense of reduced performance for failed leader detection
  and leader elections.
- Servers will now abort bootstrapping if they detect an existing cluster
  with configured Raft peers.
- Added new consul operator command, HTTP endpoint, and associated ACL to
  allow Consul operators to view and update the Raft configuration.
- Serf Lifeguard Updates: Implemented a new set of feedback controls for the
  gossip layer that help prevent degraded nodes that can't meet the soft
  real-time requirements from erroneously causing serfHealth flapping in
  other, healthy nodes
- Prepared Query Near Parameter: Prepared queries support baking in a new
  Near sorting parameter.
- Automatic Service Deregistration: Added a new
  deregister_critical_service_after timeout field for health checks which
  will cause the service associated with that check to get deregistered if the
  check is critical for longer than the timeout.
- WAN Address Translation Everywhere: Extended the translate_wan_addrs
  config option to also translate node addresses in HTTP responses, making
  it easy to use this feature from non-DNS clients.
- RPC Retries: Consul will now retry RPC calls that result in "no leader"
  errors for up to 5 seconds.
- Circonus Telemetry Support: Added support for Circonus as a telemetry

- agent: Reap time for failed nodes is now configurable via new
  reconnect_timeout and reconnect_timeout_wan config options (use with
- agent: Joins based on a DNS lookup will use TCP and attempt to join with
  the full list of returned addresses.
- agent: Consul will now refuse to start with a helpful message if the same
  UNIX socket is used for more than one listening endpoint.
- agent: Removed an obsolete warning message when Consul starts on Windows.
- agent: Defaults bind address to when running in -dev mode.
- agent: Added version information to the log when Consul starts up.
- agent: Added timing metrics for HTTP requests in the form of
- build: Updated all vendored dependencies.
- build: Consul releases are now built with Go 1.6.3.
- checks: Script checks now support an optional timeout parameter.
- checks: HTTP health checks limit saved output to 4K to avoid performance
- cli: Added a -stale mode for watchers to allow them to pull data from any
  Consul server, not just the leader.
- dns: Consul agents can now limit the number of UDP answers returned via
  the DNS interface.
- dns: Consul now compresses all DNS responses by default.
- dns: Added a new recursor_timeout configuration option to set the timeout
  for Consul's internal DNS client that's used for recursing queries to
  upstream DNS servers.
- dns: Added a new -dns-port command line option so this can be set without
  a config file.
- ui: Added a new network tomography visualization to the UI.

- agent: Fixed an issue where a health check's output never updates if the
  check status doesn't change after the Consul agent starts.
- agent: External services can now be registered with ACL tokens.
- agent: Fixed an issue where large events affecting many nodes could cause
  infinite intent rebroadcasts, leading to many log messages about intent
  queue overflows.
- agent: Gossip encryption keys are now validated before being made
  persistent in the keyring, avoiding delayed feedback at runtime.
- dns: Fixed an issue where DNS requests for SRV records could be
  incorrectly trimmed, resulting in an ADDITIONAL section that was out of
  sync with the ANSWER.
- dns: Fixed two issues where DNS requests for SRV records on a prepared
  query that failed over would report the wrong domain and fail to translate
- server: Fixed a deadlock related to sorting the list of available
  datacenters by round trip time.
- server: Fixed an issue with the state store's immutable radix tree that
  would prevent it from using cached modified objects during transactions,
  leading to extra copies and increased memory / GC pressure.
- server: Upgraded Bolt DB to v1.2.1 to fix an issue on Windows where Consul
  would sometimes fail to start due to open user-mapped sections.


 sysutils/consul/Makefile |   7 +++----
 sysutils/consul/distinfo |  10 +++++-----
 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diffs (37 lines):

diff -r f71212d75a34 -r 376de5112a05 sysutils/consul/Makefile
--- a/sysutils/consul/Makefile  Wed Oct 26 13:44:17 2016 +0000
+++ b/sysutils/consul/Makefile  Wed Oct 26 13:49:17 2016 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.4 2016/09/10 19:47:21 bsiegert Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2016/10/26 13:49:17 fhajny Exp $
-DISTNAME=      consul-0.6.4
+DISTNAME=      consul-0.7.0
 CATEGORIES=    sysutils
@@ -20,7 +19,7 @@
 BUILD_DEPENDS+=                go-${GO_VERSION}*:../../lang/go
-USE_LANGUAGES=         c
+USE_LANGUAGES=         c c99
 USE_TOOLS+=            bash gmake
 MAKE_ENV+=             GOPATH=${WRKDIR}:${PREFIX}/gopkg
diff -r f71212d75a34 -r 376de5112a05 sysutils/consul/distinfo
--- a/sysutils/consul/distinfo  Wed Oct 26 13:44:17 2016 +0000
+++ b/sysutils/consul/distinfo  Wed Oct 26 13:49:17 2016 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.1 2016/05/06 13:40:17 fhajny Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.2 2016/10/26 13:49:17 fhajny Exp $
-SHA1 (consul-0.6.4.tar.gz) = 0acb868214bb6a8b3003412ac7778f989b52a206
-RMD160 (consul-0.6.4.tar.gz) = d9d770ea0c92431079e80ae8cc626f5246639c93
-SHA512 (consul-0.6.4.tar.gz) = 3cbf7f3f33cc95036cf87ab39aebd44211b915d3ec2e8452c65d4093ed4791b531f540f74faddc1e8bdc9478af295ed90f78503ff394f8a7c409b7b07da3dbcf
-Size (consul-0.6.4.tar.gz) = 3912207 bytes
+SHA1 (consul-0.7.0.tar.gz) = c8721a30549c2e5af3da96fe89704623981d06fb
+RMD160 (consul-0.7.0.tar.gz) = 4b1f3338a79a495dc77d607953e85262836f71a0
+SHA512 (consul-0.7.0.tar.gz) = 1073dacbd2c9ceb5bb05f15f173daf8ac8ae215e32eefdb7fec0e5bf2c49cd486bb7d07829da217cf78956ea978d02c03611b74a7fa9d77003c42d1ba392f06f
+Size (consul-0.7.0.tar.gz) = 3625239 bytes

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