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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/cad/qcad Upgrade QCAD to version

branches:  trunk
changeset: 351840:ab386d6c5abf
user:      plunky <>
date:      Tue Aug 30 10:56:04 2016 +0000

Upgrade QCAD to version

QCAD has been largely rewritten since the previous version
(QCAD 2) was updated in pkgsrc, meaning that the changes are
vast. From the authors website:

    QCAD 3 comes with a new and improved CAD engine which improves
    performance (spatial index) and allows for advanced property
    editing and future extensions (dynamic properties). The other
    major addition is a powerful and complete ECMAScript interface.
    New interactive tools can be developed with a few lines of
    ECMAScript but even entire new applications can be developed
    using QCAD technology. QCAD 3 is also the first QCAD version
    that fully supports the DWG format as well as various different
    versions of the DXF format.

The complete ChangeLog is at


 cad/qcad/DESCR                                                                      |     11 +-
 cad/qcad/Makefile                                                                   |    112 +-
 cad/qcad/Makefile.common                                                            |     13 -
 cad/qcad/PLIST                                                                      |  18914 +++++++++-
 cad/qcad/distinfo                                                                   |     56 +-
 cad/qcad/patches/patch-aa                                                           |     23 -
 cad/qcad/patches/patch-ab                                                           |     19 -
 cad/qcad/patches/patch-ac                                                           |      7 -
 cad/qcad/patches/patch-ad                                                           |     16 -
 cad/qcad/patches/patch-ae                                                           |     15 -
 cad/qcad/patches/patch-af                                                           |     16 -
 cad/qcad/patches/patch-ag                                                           |     15 -
 cad/qcad/patches/patch-ah                                                           |     15 -
 cad/qcad/patches/patch-ai                                                           |     13 -
 cad/qcad/patches/patch-dxflib_src_dl__writer.h                                      |     12 -
 cad/qcad/patches/patch-dxflib_src_dl__writer__ascii.cpp                             |     12 -
 cad/qcad/patches/patch-qcad.1                                                       |     24 +
 cad/qcad/patches/patch-qcadactions_src_rs__actionzoompan.cpp                        |     12 -
 cad/qcad/patches/patch-qcadlib_src_information_rs__information.h                    |     13 -
 cad/qcad/patches/patch-scripts_Help_About_About.js                                  |     23 +
 cad/qcad/patches/patch-scripts_Help_ShowReadme_ShowReadme.js                        |     15 +
 cad/qcad/patches/patch-scripts_Widgets_LibraryBrowser_LibraryBrowser.js             |     20 +
 cad/qcad/patches/patch-shared.pri                                                   |     17 +
 cad/qcad/patches/patch-shared__app.pri                                              |     47 +
 cad/qcad/patches/                               |     15 +
 cad/qcad/patches/patch-src_3rdparty_dxflib_src_dl__writer.h                         |     13 +
 cad/qcad/patches/               |     25 +
 cad/qcad/patches/                         |     17 +
 cad/qcad/patches/                                    |     16 +
 cad/qcad/patches/                               |     15 +
 cad/qcad/patches/         |     15 +
 cad/qcad/patches/                             |     15 +
 cad/qcad/patches/patch-src_core_RS.cpp                                              |     58 +
 cad/qcad/patches/patch-src_core_RSPlatform.cpp                                      |     37 +
 cad/qcad/patches/patch-src_core_RSettings.cpp                                       |     34 +
 cad/qcad/patches/                                            |     19 +
 cad/qcad/patches/                          |     18 +
 cad/qcad/patches/                                        |     20 +
 cad/qcad/patches/                                            |     14 +
 cad/qcad/patches/                                              |     20 +
 cad/qcad/patches/                                           |     27 +
 cad/qcad/patches/                                |     17 +
 cad/qcad/patches/patch-src_run_run.pri                                              |     28 +
 cad/qcad/patches/                            |     39 +
 cad/qcad/patches/                                            |     18 +
 cad/qcad/patches/                            |     19 +
 cad/qcad/patches/                                      |     18 +
 cad/qcad/patches/                                              |     19 +
 cad/qcad/patches/             |     17 +
 cad/qcad/patches/                                |     12 +
 cad/qcad/patches/ |     16 +
 51 files changed, 19652 insertions(+), 369 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 20247 to 300 lines):

diff -r 5585d20c75e2 -r ab386d6c5abf cad/qcad/DESCR
--- a/cad/qcad/DESCR    Tue Aug 30 10:39:33 2016 +0000
+++ b/cad/qcad/DESCR    Tue Aug 30 10:56:04 2016 +0000
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-QCad is an application for computer aided drafting in two dimensions. With QCad
-you can create technical drawings such as plans for buildings, interiors or
-mechanical parts. QCad drawing files are in DXF format (DXF 2004, R12),
-permitting interchange with a wide variety of CAD systems.  See also
-qcad-manual-(your language) and qcad-partlibrary to complete an installation.
+QCad is an application for computer aided drafting (CAD) in two dimensions (2D).
+With QCad you can create technical drawings such as plans for buildings,
+interiors, mechanical parts or schematics and diagrams.
+QCad drawing files are in DXF format (DXF 2004, R12), permitting interchange
+with a wide variety of CAD systems.
 This package builds from the Community Edition sources, released under the
 GNU General Public License.  A commercially-licensed Professional Edition,
diff -r 5585d20c75e2 -r ab386d6c5abf cad/qcad/Makefile
--- a/cad/qcad/Makefile Tue Aug 30 10:39:33 2016 +0000
+++ b/cad/qcad/Makefile Tue Aug 30 10:56:04 2016 +0000
@@ -1,69 +1,77 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.61 2015/04/25 14:20:27 tnn Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.62 2016/08/30 10:56:04 plunky Exp $
-DISTNAME=              qcad-
-# what to do about this numbering? RibbonSoft really seems to use four digits
-# (there's a for some platforms), though I don't know about the
-# thing after the hyphen, which always seems to be 1. Can I use four digits?
-PKGNAME=               qcad-
-PKGREVISION=           12
+DISTNAME=              qcad-
+CATEGORIES=            cad
+EXTRACT_SUFX=          .zip
-.include "./Makefile.common"
 COMMENT=               2D CAD system
+LICENSE=               gnu-gpl-v3
-GNU_CONFIGURE=         yes
-USE_TOOLS+=            autoconf gmake pax
-USE_LANGUAGES=         c c++
-CONFIGURE_DIRS=                fparser dxflib
+DEPENDS+=              bash-[0-9]*:../../shells/bash
+DEPENDS+=              qt4-tiff-[0-9]*:../../x11/qt4-tiff
+DEPENDS+=              qt4-sqlite3-[0-9]*:../../x11/qt4-sqlite3
-BUILD_DIRS+=           qcadlib qcadcmd qcadactions qcadguiqt qcad
+MAKE_JOBS_SAFE=                no
-MAKE_ENV+=             QMAKESPEC=${QTDIR}/mkspecs/default
-PREPEND_PATH+=         ${QTDIR}/bin
+USE_TOOLS+=            chmod find make pax
+USE_LANGUAGES=         c c++
+USE_LIBTOOL=           yes
-# I really want this to be post-*patch* where it makes sense, but QTDIR isn't
-# available until after the wrapper phase because it depends on
-# BUILDLINK_PREFIX.qt3-libs, which buildlink3 sets.  Nothing is easy.  :) The
-# patches have replaced old hardcoded paths with fixed cookies @PREFIX@ and
-# @QTDIR@.  The SUBST framework will replace the cookies with the proper
-# values.
 SUBST_CLASSES+=                paths
-SUBST_STAGE.paths=     pre-configure
+SUBST_STAGE.paths=     post-patch
 SUBST_MESSAGE.paths=   Attending to hard-coded paths.
-SUBST_FILES.paths+=    qcadlib/src/engine/rs_system.cpp
-SUBST_FILES.paths+=    qcad/src/qc_applicationwindow.cpp
+SUBST_FILES.paths+=    shared.pri src/core/RS.cpp src/core/RSettings.cpp
+SUBST_FILES.paths+=    scripts/Help/ShowReadme/ShowReadme.js
+SUBST_FILES.paths+=    scripts/Widgets/LibraryBrowser/LibraryBrowser.js
 SUBST_SED.paths=       -e 's,@PREFIX@,${PREFIX},g'
-SUBST_SED.paths+=      -e 's,@QTDIR@,${QTDIR},g'
+# Fix permissions from zip file
+       ${FIND} ${WRKSRC} -type f -exec ${CHMOD} u=rw,go=r "{}" "+"
-       cd ${WRKSRC}/fparser && autoconf
-       cd ${WRKSRC}/dxflib && autoconf
-# Just setting BUILD_DIRS would be adequate if qcad could be built with
-# "prepare all" in each module, one by one.  But qcad needs all modules to
-# be prepare'd before any can be all'd, so prepare them here in a separate
-# loop duplicated from do-build.  The unmodified do-build then takes care
-# of the "all".  I didn't see an easier way.
-       ${RUN} ${_ULIMIT_CMD}                                           \
-       for d in ${BUILD_DIRS}; do                                      \
-               cd ${WRKSRC}; cd "$$d";                                 \
-               ${BUILD_MAKE_CMD} prepare;                              \
-       done
-INSTALLATION_DIRS=     bin share/qcad
+# The QCad build system normally links direct to a release dir but this
+# causes a lot of problems with libtool dependencies. We patch it so that
+# the libs are linked from the source dirs and add an install target to
+# allow pkgsrc to use DESTDIR
+# The Qt script bindings are built in Qt version specific subdirectory
+# which we can't patch directly, so we create a fake file
+# and use it to overwrite Makefiles. Makefile.qtscript is ignored
+       cd ${WRKSRC} && ${QTDIR}/bin/qmake -r -after DESTDIR=
+       cd ${WRKSRC}/src/3rdparty && ${QTDIR}/bin/qmake -r -after DESTDIR= \
+           INSTALLS+=target target.path=${PREFIX}/lib/${PKGBASE}/plugins/script \
+  -o Makefile.qtscript
-       ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/qcad/qcad ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin
-       cd ${WRKSRC}/qcad && umask 022 && \
-       pax -rwpm data fonts patterns qm ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/qcad
+       cd ${WRKSRC} && make INSTALL_ROOT=${DESTDIR} install
+       ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/qcad.desktop \
+           ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/applications
+       ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/qcad.1 \
+           ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/${PKGMANDIR}/man1
+       ${FIND} ${WRKSRC}/scripts -name \*.orig -rm
+       cd ${WRKSRC} && ${PAX} -rwpm fonts linetypes patterns \
+           plugins scripts themes ts ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/${PKGBASE}
+       cd ${WRKSRC} && ${PAX} -rwpm readme.txt examples libraries \
+           ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/${PKGBASE}
-.include "../../x11/qt3-libs/"
-BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.qt3-libs+=       qt3-libs>=3.3.4
-.include "../../x11/qt3-tools/"
-BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.qt3-tools+=      qt3-tools>=3.3.4
-BUILDLINK_DEPMETHOD.qt3-tools= full # uses assistant for help
+.include "../../sysutils/desktop-file-utils/"
+.include "../../devel/libexecinfo/"
+.include "../../x11/qt4-libs/"
+BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.qt4-libs+=       qt4-libs>=4.7
+.include "../../x11/qt4-tools/"
+BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.qt4-tools+=      qt4-tools>=4.7
+BUILDLINK_DEPMETHOD.qt4-tools=         full
 .include "../../mk/"
diff -r 5585d20c75e2 -r ab386d6c5abf cad/qcad/Makefile.common
--- a/cad/qcad/Makefile.common  Tue Aug 30 10:39:33 2016 +0000
+++ /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile.common,v 1.3 2015/02/14 11:10:48 mef Exp $
-# used by cad/qcad/Makefile
-# used by cad/qcad-manual-hu/Makefile
-# used by cad/qcad-manual-en/Makefile
-# used by cad/qcad-manual-de/Makefile
-# used by cad/qcad-manual-cs/Makefile
-CATEGORIES=            cad
diff -r 5585d20c75e2 -r ab386d6c5abf cad/qcad/PLIST
--- a/cad/qcad/PLIST    Tue Aug 30 10:39:33 2016 +0000
+++ b/cad/qcad/PLIST    Tue Aug 30 10:56:04 2016 +0000
@@ -1,94 +1,18822 @@
-@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.5 2009/06/14 18:16:34 joerg Exp $
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.6 2016/08/30 10:56:04 plunky Exp $
-@pkgdir share/qcad/qm

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