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Re: pkg/58264: Enable FAILOVER_FETCH by default

On Friday, May 17, 2024 1:20:00 AM GMT+2 wrote:

> >How-To-Repeat:

> Read pkgsrc/mk/fetch/ and discover that FAILOVER_FETCH needs to be defined for checksums to be checked.

That's not true. Distfiles are always checked (unless the check is explicitly

disabled) in the "checksum" phase. With FAILOVER_FETCH, the check is

earlier and the newly fetched file is thrown away if it doesn't match. So

unless a mirror later in the list does have the correct file, it will try over

and over to fetch the url. Given that we have distfiles that are 100s of MB,

that can waste a lot of network IO.

I'm not saying that the current default is the best, but your description

is certainly not right and there is a purpose behind the current setting.


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