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Re: pkg/54722: devel/glib2 still does not compile on Solaris 11.3

  _XOPEN_SOURCE=1 is completely incompatible with C99 that glib2
  requires.  I guess Solaris 11.x removed the feature tests errors?
Oracle reworked /usr/include/sys/feature_tests.h with a recent patch to 
11.3. I had problems compiling several packages before upgrading to the 
latest patch level of Solaris 11.3. Sometimes adding random combinations 
of _XOPEN_SOURCE or _XPG* to CPPFLAGS helped, sometimes not. Using the 
latest version of 11.3, these "fixes" were not necessary any more.
glib2 is the exception to this rule, see pkg/54634. But after taking a 
closer look at /usr/include/sys/socket.h, I can offer this patch:
--- Makefile    2019/11/27 07:23:05     1.1
+++ Makefile    2019/11/27 08:58:20
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@

MAKE_ENV+= LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${WRKSRC}/output/gio:${WRKSRC}/output/glib:${WRKSRC}/output/gobject:${WRKSRC}/output/gmodule
 LDFLAGS.SunOS+=                -liconv -lintl -lnsl -lsocket

 REPLACE_PYTHON+=       gio/

This also makes glib2 compile for me. msg_controllen in struct msghdr is guarded by _XPG4_2.
Jörn Clausen
Plattformen & Serverdienste
BITS - Bielefelder IT-Servicezentrum

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