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X11: db of working/not working

I think it should be of interest to gather data about what hardware is
working and what hardware is not working related to X11 (this means
then too DRMKMS).

	- Integrated GPU: GPU on SoC or mother board, sharing cache
	and main memory with CPU;
	- Discrete GPU: GPU on extension card, with dedicated memory
and connected to the CPU via some extension bus.

My data:

Kernel : NetBSD 10.99.10 on amd64
	note: not vanilla 10.99.10, some local modifications but that
	shouldn't change X11 behavior---only possible related video
	modification: update of sys/dev/videomode: correction of

	First test with native X11;
	Then switch to pkgsrc modular (present userland is modular).

Integrated GPU, Intel:
	- pci:
    		0x00: 0x04028086 0x00900007 0x03800006 0x00000000
    		Vendor Name: Intel (0x8086)
		Device Name: Haswell Integrated Graphics Device (0x0402)
	- kernel (drmkms): i915drmkms*;
	- freedesktop: intel (xf86-video-intel-2.99.917.20210115nb1);
	- glx works; video (mp4) rendering OK; some tiny defaults
	(lines not updated in solid blocks) in rendering but contrary
	to other reports, under more heavy load (may have to do with
	amount of main memory dedicated); firefox not tested (was not
	already compiled); 
	- connected is a 20" LCD, EDID compatible, with "PreferredMode"
	set in xorg.conf;
	- GPUDevice is set in "Screen" section.

Discrete GPU, AMD/ATI radeon:
	- pci:
		0x00: 0x68f91002 0x00100007 0x03000000 0x00800010
    		Vendor Name: ATI Technologies (0x1002)
		Device Name: Radeon HD 5000/6000/7350/8350 Series (0x68f9)
	- kernel (drmkms): radeon*;
	- freedesktop: radeon (xf86-video-ati-22.0.0);
	- glx works; firefox 117 works but without hardware acceleration;
	video (mp4) rendering OK; no perceptible default in rendering;
	- connected is a 20" LCD, EDID compatible, with "PreferredMode"
	set in xorg.conf;
	- GPUDevice is set in "Screen" section.

What doesn't work:

Trying Xorg(1) without configuration with the two GPUs doesn't work.
As a general rule, specifying more in a customized xorg.conf gives
better results.


When trying X11 configurations, some program (Xorg(1)?) changed
the permissions on /dev/dri/card0: 660 -> 640. The result was that
rendering an mp4 (with xine(1) or vlc(1)) gave images in false
colors (at least) with a "psychedelic" rendering. If this happens
to you, don't try to update ffmeg* and so on: verify first the
permissions on the /dev/dri/cardX entry point.

        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ kergis +dot+ com>
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