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Re: Intermitent loss of WiFi

Aug 3, 2023, 03:12 by

> writes:
>> I am on NetBSD 10.0 Beta.
>> I get intermitent loss of WiFi with my iwm driver.
> This sort of problem happens with some adaptors sometimes, but is not
> super common.  I have a few urtwn(4) devices.  One, on a 2006 macbook
> (i386) has been reliable.  Another, on a RPI3 (earmv7hf-el) has
> occasional failures and I have a cron script to detect that and down/up.
> Both of those experiences were on 8 and 9; I'm getting ready to move to
> 10.
> Please describe your hardware and which architecture you are running.
> We have no idea what kind of cpu/system etc.  even if it seems likely an
> i386 or amd64 laptop.
> Please post the dmesg lines for iwm attachment.  You can blur our the
> mac address.
> You say "loss of WiFi", but I wonder if you can narrow that down.
> How often does this happen?
> Does "ifconfig" show it still associated?
> On the router/AP/whatever, can you tell if it is gone from the network?
> If you run tcpdump -n on the adaptor, do you see any incoming frames?
> If you "ping -n [router's IP addr]", do you see outgoing frames?
> What does netstat -i show for in/out/error counts when it is "lost"?
> (I'm not really asking you to post all of this, but to try it all and
> see what you can figure out.)
>> I think this is the error message in dmesg (I am not sure whether this DRM is i915 or iwm)
>> [   968.284136] {drm:netbsd:intel_pipe_update_start+0x33b} *ERROR* Potential atomic update failure on pipe A: -35
> That's about graphics.  Does that happen just once, or does it happen
> again when the wifi fails again?  Is there anything else in dmesg or
> syslog?
>> The workaround is to execute the following twice:
>> doas ifconfig iwm0 down
>> doas ifconfig iwm0 up
>> It needs to be executed twice, because after the first down and up, I get:
>> ifconfig: exec_matches: Resource temporarily unavailable
> Try waiting 10s after down before up.  Run ifconfig in between.
> Basically try every inspection method you can think of.
> If you are up for it, you can read the driver src/sys/dev/pci/if_iwm.c
> and turn on IWM_DEBUG and set iwm_debug to nonzero and get lots of
> messages.

Here are the iwm debug messages:

[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: device timeout
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: dumping device error log
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: Start Error Log Dump:
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: Status: 0x63, count: 6
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 000022CE | ADVANCED_SYSASSERT
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 000002B3 | trm_hw_status0
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 00000000 | trm_hw_status1
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 0000E258 | branchlink2
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 0002730C | interruptlink1
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 00000000 | interruptlink2
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 0000001C | data1
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 03230000 | data2
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: DEADBEEF | data3
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 9D401E06 | beacon time
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 272AA1FD | tsf low
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 0000002F | tsf hi
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 00000000 | time gp1
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 041C1813 | time gp2
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 00000000 | uCode revision type
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 00000016 | uCode version major
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 00058404 | uCode version minor
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 00000230 | hw version
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 00009000 | board version
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 0000001C | hcmd
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 22F12000 | isr0
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 00004000 | isr1
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 00001802 | isr2
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 40417DC1 | isr3
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 00000000 | isr4
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 10900112 | last cmd Id
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 00000000 | wait_event
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 00000080 | l2p_control
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 00011C22 | l2p_duration
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 0000003F | l2p_mhvalid
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 000000CE | l2p_addr_match
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 0000000D | lmpm_pmg_sel
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 03071928 | timestamp
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 15E4A0A0 | flow_handler
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: Start UMAC Error Log Dump:
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: Status: 0x63, count: 7
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 0x00000070 | ADVANCED_SYSASSERT
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 0x00000000 | umac branchlink1
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 0xC0082F64 | umac branchlink2
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 0xC0081000 | umac interruptlink1
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 0xC0081000 | umac interruptlink2
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 0x00000800 | umac data1
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 0xC0081000 | umac data2
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 0xDEADBEEF | umac data3
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 0x00000016 | umac major
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 0x00058404 | umac minor
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 0xC0886280 | frame pointer
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 0xC0886280 | stack pointer
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 0x092B002C | last host cmd
[   185.741855] iwm0: autoconfiguration error: 0x00000000 | isr status reg

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