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Re: httpd, cgi, ikiwiki, and me.

On Mon, 19 Apr 2021, Bob Bernstein wrote:

On Fri, 9 Apr 2021, Bob Bernstein wrote:
THE FIX was adding this arg to httpd_flags: '-c /var/www/cgi-bin'
I found that '-c' in bozohttpd's man page.
When asked why I prefer NetBSD to all the rest, my answer has 
always been, "Because they are always civil and kind to a moron 
like me."
The present question, about httpd and cgi-bin, is a perfect 
example; no one went out of their way to say that, "Obviously 
Bob, while floundering around trying to get cgi-bin to work, you 
installed bozohttpd, and took advantage of one of its 
differences from httpd."
And forgive me of course for chewing up yet more bandwidth that 
isn't free of charge to NetBSD (or, in fact anyone else making 
noise out here in cyberspace.)
"...that there is no getting away from the central position of the individual I believe anyone can see for himself merely by observing that the individual does not regard the following to be a senseless question: "Under what conditions would you draw the conclusion that everyone in the world except yourself had gone crazy?"

Bridgman _The Nature of Physical Theory_ (1936)

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